Chapter XXXVI

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"I see...what a shame. He was useful."

The h/c haired woman sat with her hands intertwined, resting her chin atop of them as her eyes looked beyond the long dark haired man with stitches adoring his forehead to the rubble behind him. A small smirk pulling at her lips as she stood up, her hands falling to her sides before she shoved them in her black trench coat pockets.

"This is what I want the world to look like. Chaos. Death. Destruction. A world without those things is dreadfully dull."

She stepped off the pile of fallen pillars and started walking, the man following her.

"Then it is time to execute the following part of the plan."


A groan was heard before a lot of shuffling noises were made, Fushiguro sitting up, placing a hand on his head to try ease the headache he was feeling before widening his eyes, his hand shooting down to feel where his heart was, feeling cool skin and the faint beating of his heart.

He let out a shaky breath as he looked at the hole in his uniform before hearing a grunt beside him, seeing a weak yuuji trying to sit up.

He scooted over to him and helped him sit up as yuuji let out a breath and finally opened his eyes, looking at Fushiguro and then quickly at his chest then back at his own.

"We're actually..."

"Alive. Yeah. I'm surprised too."

"Sukuna really did help..."

"I did offer. Of course I would. I restored your hearts. Don't let her rip them out again brats."

Yuuji huffed, why is he saying it as if they had a choice to get their hearts ripped out, he stayed silent before speaking to the mouth on his cheek.

"What do we do now?"

"You find y/n and get your cursed energy back. That's the first priority on your to do list. Then you go from there depending on the circumstances."

"Why are you so willing to help us?"

Fushiguro narrowed his eyes at the mouth, still not being convinced even if he was the reason he was alive and breathing again.

"...let's just say I'm not doing this just for you."

Fushiguro shook his head before yuuji stood up and pulled Fushiguro up with him, the mouth on his cheek disappearing.

"Right. First things first, find Y/n-sensei."

"She's not our teacher anymore itadori."

"Right...sorry..I used to it.."

" did I.."

The both looked ahead of them, the breeze ruffling their hair before Fushiguro started walking.

"We won't find her if we keep standing here. We need to get moving. The more time we waste the better chance she has getting more steps ahead of us."



Maki leaned against a wall, panting and out of breath, Noritoshi in a similar state beside her. Naoya was one stubborn bastard. Even after death.

She wiped her face of the dirt it was covered in, feeling the fresh wounds and scars that covered her face.

She needed to find everyone. She needed to make sure they were safe and alive. And she was going to do just that.

Even if it meant dying in the process.

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