Chapter 118

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Dear readers, this is the last chapter! 🤧

Shower all your love through loads and loads of votes and comments to soothe this author's nostalgia. 🥺

Now, enjoy reading!


Third Person POV

The enjoyment and the thrill of winter break came to an end.

It was the last day before school started for the final months of the academic year.

Angelina has been irritated and grumpy since the past day.

It was the morning before the school day and she was lying on the grass in the garden while Aria was busy searching about the biomedical laboratory tour she was going to attend in a few months.

"You're going to go to that lab anyway. Why are you learning about it beforehand?", Angel whined, bored.

"I don't want to look dumb among all those research students.", Aria said anxiously.

"You and dumb never come in the same sentence ever. At least not in regards to studies.", Angel deadpanned.

Aria was so engrossed in reading that she tuned out Angel's complaints.

Angelina had enough of her sister's ignorance and snatched the tablet from her hand.

"Hey!", Aria exclaimed.

"Stop reading, Anna. You'll do that from tomorrow anyway. Today's our last day of winter break.", Angel huffed, displeased.

Aria sighed, placing her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Fine. What shall we do now?", she asked.

"Relax, of course.", Angel said lazily.

Aria pursed her lips. Reading was a form of relaxation to her. But she knew her sister would complain the whole day if she didn't relent.

"Gosh! I really don't want to go to school.", Angel said, annoyed.

"You can sit with me and my friends in class.", Aria offered gently.

"No way. Sitting alone is also an art. Moreover, you'll not let me sleep.", Angel shuddered.

"You're not supposed to sleep.", Aria replied flatly.

Angel pouted at that.

"I guess tomorrow's class will be abou-", Aria was saying something, but she was cut off by a guard who just walked to them.

He cleared his throat to gain their attention.

Angel and Aria turned around, a little startled.

"Mr. Marino is here, Ms. He would like to meet you.", the guard informed calmly, looking at Aria.

"Who?", Aria asked, frowning.

All her brothers were addressed the same way, so she wondered who could it could be. 

"Mr. Riccardo.", the guard answered.

Aria stiffened at that.

Her father was here?


Especially, why now?

She looked at Angel, tensed, wondering she might feel uncomfortable as they were just recovering from all that had happened in the past weeks.

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