Chapter 95

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Third Person POV

Vince closed the picture of Aria and returned the mobile to Cavin.

"Tell one of our men closest to this location to go for a casual stroll around this location and send us information about the situation around the place.", Vince ordered coldly.

"Yes, boss.", Cavin replied and walked out of the room.

"Marko, get information about how many men are standing guard around the given location and how many people are there in total. Also, try to get as many updates from the informer as possible without him getting caught.", Aurelio ordered.

"On it, sir.", Marko replied and went out to contact the informer.

"Should we let everyone in the house know?", Theo asked.

He knew everyone was worried and the current news would relax them a little.

"No.", Vince said.

Theo and Aurelio looked at each other with a  frown.

"Why not?", Aurelio asked.

"There is a possibility of a mole in our own house among our guards. We can't risk letting them know of our plans and information.", Vince said.

"But they'll know sooner or later when we leave the house.", Aurelio said, looking at Vince.

Vince stood up and looked at both of his brothers calmly.

"Only I'll be leaving. Both of you will stay back.", Vince said as calmly as possible.

He knew letting his emotions control him in a moment like this would only cause mistakes and further problems.

No matter what, he had to stay calm and take precise actions.

Aurelio frowned a little but didn't say anything.

He knew Vince wouldn't take any decision without a reason and he trusted his brother's judgment.

On the other hand, Theo wasn't satisfied with his brother's decision.

"But I want to come too, Vince.", Theo said seriously.

"No.", Vince said calmly.

"Why not?", Theo asked.

"Theo, now's not the time to argue. Trust Vince's decision.", Aurelio said calmly.

"I trust Vince's decision, Elio. I just can't sit here and do nothing when I know where my sister is and how much of a danger she is in.", Theo argued.

"You're needed more here than out there, Theo.", Vince said calmly.

He was waiting for the information about the situation and security about the location his sister was in.

He was growing impatient and worried each passing second and his brother wasn't making it any easy.

"Why am I needed here, Vince? Three years ago, you said I was still young to accompany you. But right now, I'm old enough, ain't I? Then why can't I come too?", Theo asked, anger evident in his tone.

Vince looked at his brother calmly.

As agitated as he was getting, he couldn't rub it on Theo.

He was trying to be very patient when all his insides are burning with fury and murderous intent for the man who kidnapped his sister and Theo was just pushing his anger more to the edge.

"Or do you still think of me as a kid?", Theo asked with a disappointed and angry voice.

"If I had still considered you a kid, you would've been sitting outside with your other brothers.", Vince said calmly, but the warning in his tone was very clear.

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