Chapter 71

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I am sitting outside the emergency ward with Angelina beside me, hugging me, crying badly.

I tried to console her but she just wouldn't stop.

A few times she went to the extent of having a panic attack but I somehow calmed her down.

I don't know why but it broke my heart to see her crying. 

She calmed down a little after a few minutes but I didn't stop rubbing small circles on her palm and back, afraid that she might end up panicking again.

I just wish Arianna makes it out safe. 

My breath hitched the moment I realized she was poisoned.

Who in the world poisons a fourteen year old kid!

But again theirs' is not a normal family.


As I was busy consoling Angelina and dwelling in my own thoughts, her three brothers came rushing towards us.

Though they tried to control their expressions, the panic in their eyes couldn't be missed.

"Why the f**k are you here?", Dylan asked harshly and pulled Angelina away from me.

He pulled Angelina up and hugged her to his chest.

I frowned, standing up and was going to say something but he beat me to it.

Dylan broke the hug and held Angelina by her shoulders.

"What happened? How is Aria now? Did the doctors say anything?", he asked with his voice laced with hints of tension, panic and fear.

Angelina looked up at Dylan with tears continuously flowing down her cheeks and eyes filled with panic and pain.

She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't get a word out.

I can understand her condition.

She was there when Arianna had gone through the pain and she had to see her sister in that state.

She, obviously, would be badly shaken from seeing her sister in that condition.

"Say something, Angelina!", Dylan exclaimed, his voice raising a little.

Her lips were wobbling and she just shook her head.

I remained calm all this time as I didn't want to meddle between them.

But not anymore.

Not when she is so distressed and the boys are failing to see the condition she is in.

I also understood the situation Dylan and the twins were in. They are just worried about Arianna but in that worry, they are failing to see the condition Angelina is in.

I could see the slight tremble in her hands and I understood she will break if they push her more for answers.

So I gently pulled her away from Dylan and hugged her and she hugged me back.

I gently rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Can't you see she herself is scared? Can't you see she is on the verge of a panic attack?", I said calmly with a sharp edge to my tone.

"Why are you here?", Ash, one of the twins,  asked with suspicion.

I just looked at Angel, ignoring their questions. I need her to calm down first.

"No one would dare to mess with our sister in the school. You are the only new person in the school these past few days.", Dylan said in a cold voice.

I avoided his words of suspicion and continued to calm down Angelina.

What is family?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora