Chapter 14

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"How old is she? Is she my younger sister or elder sister?", I asked.

Theo's smile vanished and he stiffened.

Did I ask something wrong? Why does he look serious all of a sudden? I just asked her age. Was that a wrong question?

"She is the same age as you are.", he answered with a blank expression.

What? Does that mean we are twins? Maybe non identical twins.

"Is she my tw-", Theo cut me off in the middle.

"Aria, we need to complete shopping before dinner time. And we have a lot of things to buy. So let's go!", he said and walked towards the billing counter.

Why do I feel he cut me off purposefully? Or not. Maybe I'm just overthinking. I sighed and went to the bill counter. Theo just handed over his card to pay. After the payment was done, I was going to lift one of the shopping bags to carry, not wanting to put the whole burden on him. But before I could take one, he stopped me.

"No need for that, princess. They'll be taken home. Let's just carry on with our shopping.", he said.

Oh! Who'll take them home? Maybe his guards. 


We then walked to another expensive clothing store. He bought me some designer dresses and frocks. Then, he took me to the footwear section and bought all kind of different footwear. I tried to oppose, saying I didn't need so many, but he just waved his hand dismissively and bought them anyway.


It was exhausting. Theo bought almost most of the designs in the clothes and the footwear section. I am shocked at how much money he could spend in just one day. I wonder how rich these people really are to buy everything and anything without thinking twice.

I wonder what they do for a living!

That thought has been bothering me since the first time I saw Vince. The way everyone feared him, the amount of security that followed him, the presence of so many guards at the mansion, all these things doesn't look normal. 

I've never seen a rich household up close, but I feel all these are not normal to a rich person too. Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Hey, where are you lost?", Theo asked me. I realized I just zoned out.

"Nothing. Sorry.", I replied.

"It's okay. So shall we go buy all the things necessary to set your room up?", he asked.

I nodded.

"Words, princess.", he said in a firm tone.

"Yes.", I replied.

Then we went to another store and he asked me to buy everything I need in my room. Anything I need to decorate my room. I was just staring and not picking anything, so finally Theo picked some things in my favorite color, baby blue.

He then bought me the latest version of all electronic devices, which I don't even know how to use. After buying school supplies, the shopping finally ended.

We then started our ride to home. I remembered all the things he bought for me and felt bad. I didn't mean to use his money so much. I feel guilty.



"You didn't have to buy so much for me.", I said looking down at my lap.

Theo looked at me and back at the road,

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