Chapter 35

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"It destroys the whole puzzle!", Angelina said looking straight in my eyes.

What is she saying?

"What do you mean?", I asked with a little frown and she looked away.

"Nothing. Just trying to be philosophical!", she said chuckling.

But, I know there's more. I can see there's more. But I don't understand what that is. I know when talking about the painting, she's talking something more deeper than the idea of that sketch. 

But what is it?

"Hey Anna", she called me and I broke out of my thoughts and looked at her.

"You didn't see the whole house, did you?", she asked.

"No I haven't.", I replied.

"Come on then. I'll show you around.", she said standing up from the bed with a smile.

"Okay", I smiled back and walked to the door.

I know that she changed the topic, but it's fine. We aren't close enough to share everything. Even I won't be ready to share my own past with her. So, it isn't fair to expect her to share with me.

For the next one hour she showed me the whole mansion, except the west wing. Apparently even she's not allowed there, unless until Vince calls her.

The house is really big. There was everything in this mansion. A library, a swimming pool, a gaming room, a theatre room, a gym, a basketball court and a very beautiful garden.

Just like me even Angelina likes spending time in the garden, so we sat there to relax. We didn't talk anything for a while, but the silence was not uncomfortable. It was peaceful.

The wind was flowing softly and it was almost getting dark. I felt eyes on me and turned around and found Angelina staring at me with a painful smile, but as soon as I saw it she masked her pain and smiled normally.

"Why are you staring at me?", I asked.

"Don't take me for a creep.", she chuckled and I smiled.

"No I won't. But why were you staring at me?", I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that you look so much like mom. Beautiful and peaceful.", she said with a soft smile.

"I do?", I asked softly.

"You do.", she said smiling.

"What was she like?", I asked after a while.

"Huh?", she looked at me confused, but I was looking straight.

"Mom.", I replied.

She looked away from me and is now looking straight, just gazing at a distance.

"I don't know.", she said.

"What?", I asked confused.

"She was gone the day I was born.", she said softly.

"Oh!", I said and turned away. 

It feels different to know that I have a mother who is not my foster mother. Maybe she would have loved me like any other mother would her child. Maybe we would have had a bond like every mother has with her daughter. 

But again, if she was dead the day Angelina was born, then Angelina must be younger than me. At least a few months. That means I was left in an orphanage by then. 

Does that mean my mother didn't love me?

Did she give me away to an orphanage willingly?

But why?

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