Chapter 112

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Third Person POV

Vince and his siblings' home city

"I need to meet you.", Theo said seriously to the person he called.

He was pleased with the answer he received and cut the call.

He hired a taxi and booked a room in an old and rusty hotel so as to not catch much attention before going home.

After freshening up and putting on a new set of t-shirt and pants, he walked out wearing his jacket and putting on a cap, shades and mask on his face.

There was a very high chance that people in such a rusty place might be ones who are a part of the lowest rank in their organization or those who are in support of the rebellious organizations.

Giving them a chance to attack him would only cause unnecessary commotion and Aurelio would go completely ballistic if that happens. He, therefore, covered his face enough to avoid being recognized.

In places likes these, a few men roam around covering their faces so as to escape from the cops or whoever that is searching for them.

Hence, Theo covering his face would make people mistaken him as one of those street thugs.

Needing a means of transport to travel around freely, he rented a not so flashy sedan.

Theo was well aware that Vince already knew about his arrival in the city, but there were things he wanted to do before meeting his brother.

After aimlessly driving around the city for a few hours to pass time until the decided meeting time, Theo finally drove to a university and stopped his car at one of the exit gates, waiting for the person he had called early in the morning.

Feeling restless, he stepped out of the car to get some fresh air.

He stood leaning against his car and dialed a number, but he cut the call when he saw that person walking towards him hurriedly.

He removed his sunglasses to greet , but he was startled when she hugged him all of a sudden.

"Don't push me away, just play along for a moment.", she whispered, hugging him.

Theo was shocked to say the least.

"Ms. Reece", he uttered, bewildered.

"Hug me back.", she insisted.

Theo didn't understand what was going on, but he wrapped his hands around her shoulders.

Kris suddenly broke the hug and hooked her hand with his.

"You're always so punctual, darling.", she said sweetly.

Theo's breath hitched at her endearment and he looked at her wide eyed, shocked.

"We're getting late for the date. Let's go.", she said and dragged him towards the passenger's door.

"Open the door for me.", she whispered.

In a daze, Theo did as she asked.

"Oh, how sweet!", she exclaimed loudly and sat in the passenger seat.

Theo closed the door and walked around and settled behind the wheel, but didn't start the car.

"What the hell was that?", he looked at her, wide eyed.

"Start the car.", she said.

"What-", he was asking, but she cut him off.

"Start the car. Hurry.", she said seriously.

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