Nineteen: Born This Way.

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The Glee Club and Will were in the auditorium...

"All right, guys, nationals are just a few weeks away, and it's time to bear down. Your singing at regionals was amazing, but you're dancing... it's booty camp time." Will said.

"Booty!" Artie and Ashleigh shouted.

They began dancing.

"Push yourselves, guys. Vocal Adrenaline takes no prisoners." Will tells them.

Suddenly, Finn's arm swung backward, hitting Rachel in the face.

Rachel grunted, falling to the floor.

Rachel grunted, falling to the floor

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"Oh!" Finn shouted.

"Oh!" Ashleigh shouted, seeing Rachel on the floor.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Finn asked, kneeling down in front of Rachel.

"I'm bleeding." Rachel says.

"I think she should go to a doctor. Come on." Ashleigh says, grabbing Rachel's hand and pulling her up.

A few minutes later, Finn stood by Rachel, who held an ice pack on her nose...

"My dad will be here in 15 minutes. You don't have to stay, Finn."

"N... no, I wanna stay and hear what the doctor says. I feel terrible." He says.

"Won't Quinn be mad at you sitting vigil at my bedside?"

"Well, I'm standing. And she'd understand how awful I feel... even if it's not broken." He tells her.

"It's broken." The doctor says walking in, holding the x-ray.

"I knew I was a bad dancer, but I never thought my dancing was dangerous." He says.

"It's a clean break. I won't have to set it. Considering your deviated septum, I'd consider this a terrific opportunity for a little vanity adjustment." The doctor says.

"Wait, are you suggesting I get a nose job?" She asked.

"You're 16, right? That's when I gave my daughters theirs." The doctor says.

"First of all, I like how I look." She tells him.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The doctor asked, looking over at Finn.

"No." Said Finn.

"Second of all, I don't wanna do anything that's going to affect my voice. My Broadway career depends on it." Said Rachel.

"Plus, we've got a big show choir competition coming up." Finn said.

"Doesn't impact the voice. That's a myth. The fact is, opening up that septum... might allow you to take in more air per breath... means bigger belts on your high notes." The doctor tells her.

A few days later, Rachel tells everyone in Glee...

"Wait, you're actually going through with it? You're getting a nose job?" Asked Ashleigh.

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