Six: The Rocky Horror Glee Show.

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Santana was singing...

Rachel was standing on stage, singing...

Rachel 🎵 In the velvet darkness Of the blackest night Burning bright There's a guiding star No matter what Or who Who you are 🎵

Finn & Rachel 🎵 There's a light Over at the Frankenstein place There's a light 🎵

All 🎵 Burning in the fireplace 🎵

Finn & Rachel 🎵 There's a light Light In the darkness Of everybo... 🎵

"Ho, ho, ho, ho! Schuester! You messing with my woman?" Carl asked, walking on stage.

"I..." Will says, standing up from his chair.

"Uh, is this part of the play because it's stupid?" Ashleigh asked.

"Hey, shut it! Get back to singing, will you? That's probably what you do in the mirror!" Carl shouted, spinning around to glare at Ashleigh.

"Hey, you can't speak to her like that." Sam said.

"Sam's right, Carl, you can't." Will tells him.

"I thought we had a deal." Said Carl.

Will's Voice-Over: "This is the face of a guy who stepped in it. How did it get to this? How did a production of Rocky Horror turn into... my horror? It all started a week ago."


Will sits at the table in the staffroom with Emma...

"Hey, Em." He said.


"What's with your crusts? You... you always cut them off." He tells her.

She stared down at the box, looking up at him.

"I must have forgotten this morning."

"You forgot?" He asked.

She laughed.

"Carl and I had the most amazing weekend. We hit the revival theater downtown for the midnight show... of Rocky Horror."

"You're kidding." He says.


"Isn't that where everyone dresses up and yells stuff?" He asked, looking at her.

"Yes. Yeah. I mean... well, we don't dress up... at least, not yet."

"Isn't that theater a total dive?" He asked.

"It's disgusting. It's horrible. There isn't a surface that isn't covered in spilled soda, so you'd think it would be a nightmare for me, right? I was having so much fun I didn't even notice."

"Huh." He said.

"Get this. You know how I've always been very anti-Halloween... 'cause it totally freaks me out eating candy someone else has touched, right? Carl and I are gonna dress up as characters from the show, and we're actually going trick-or-treating."

Will's Voice-Over: "The sandwich, the dirty theater... he's actually making her better. He's winning. Why the hell didn't I think of taking her to that damn show?"

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