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"Y/N" he whispered, shaking his head

"Do you have any recommendations then?" I asked, blinking hard and cursing myself for not being able to say words to him.

"The cinnamon rolls aren't too bad, especially when you microwave it. I doubt you'll be able to finish it all" he answered, shrugging.

I pulled out my card from my purse, and swiped it, pressing the code for the cinnamon roll. The curly wire unraveled and it fell with a thud.

"I'll just have to find someone to share it with" I said, turning to face him with the roll in my hand. He wasn't kidding, this was big.

"I might just know where there's a microwave" he smirked and I nodded, following him.

The silence was unsettling as I followed him down a long hallway. I wonder if he knew where he was going, but after twenty seconds, we arrived in the family room of this floor.

"Think there's anything good on TV at this time?" I asked, sitting on one of the couches. I fiddled with my hands, watching him open the bag and put it in the microwave.

"Probably just a bunch of ads. Maybe there's a good movie on somewhere"

I blinked hard, and at the same time the unbelievable image still surrounds me.

Matt standing with his back to me.

Black sweatpants hug his legs

Black trainers

And a grey hoodie

The microwave beeped and I ripped my eyes away from him and reached to pick up the remote. I saw him from the corner of my eye grabbing plates. The screen came to life in front of me, and sure enough an ad for a pillow hits the screen.

"Not one of those pillow ads again" Matt groaned, sitting down on the other end of the couch with a sigh. I took my shoes off and let them fall to the floor.

Crossing my legs, I laughed and changed the channel. "You say that like you know what he's talking about"

"Because I do. The guys really annoying. I can't sleep some nights and I'll wake up to his voice at 3am" he sighed, making me laugh. "Here, but be careful, it's hot"


"No, thank you. I've been craving one of these, but I've been trying to stay away from the vending machines" he mumbled, cutting a piece
of the roll.

I put the plate on my lap and surfed through the channels before finding a movie. "This is a good one" I said, picking up my plastic knife and fork.

"Yeah. Hey, I wouldn't have pegged you for a King fan" Matt said and I laughed at him. I watched him blow on the huge roll. "What, I'm hungry and the cafe closed hours ago? This floor has the best vending machine"

"Nothing..I just can't remember you ever being patient enough to not burn your mouth" I laughed and watched him laugh too. "You were always burning your tongue on those tacos and soups we had. Looks like nothings changed"

"The waffles and chocolate sauce were worse. They were always so hot" he added, with a mouth full of roll.

I laughed in agreement, making it hard to blow on my bite of cinnamon roll I hold before my lips. "Wow, you weren't kidding. How's it always trashy vending machine food that tastes the best?"

"I think they put something in it to make them addictive. That's how they make so much money" he said, taking another bite. When my eyes look to his ring finger, nothing was there. My heart did a weird jump in my chest and pushed away the questions in my head.

The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now