Chapter 30- Jealousy

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"So, what do you do?" The question was directed towards both of them, and Y/N felt herself panicking at trying to think of an answer that didn't include exposing them. Luckily, Severus knew exactly what to say.

"I'm a chemist. Y/N here is still trying some things out, isn't that right?" A strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. She complied easily, quite liking the way Severus touched her. She nodded in response to the nice Scottish man, lowering her head at the way Severus held her.

Severus was different here. He hadn't once left her side after seeing James was there too. He didn't stop touching her in casual ways. Brushing his hand over her arm or even her hip, keeping her close next to him. He even placed his hand at the back of her neck when he noticed James getting closer to them. She didn't stop him from doing these gestures, as it was clear that he was uncomfortable at the barbeque and protective of her. She didn't think any of the others noticed how he felt and prayed that Severus would keep it that way and not do something stupid.

"I work in infrastructure myself." Severus didn't say anything to the Scottish man, instead scanning his surroundings. Y/N answered and asked what kind of things he had to do, and if he liked his job. The conversation went smoothly, and after a while people started taking their seats at the tables. Severus and Y/N took a seat next to the Scottish man. Meat started to be served, along with bread and various salads. Opposite of them sat James. He didn't try to talk to them, which Y/N silently thanked God for since she didn't know if she could handle Severus anymore.

A part of her found it exciting, the way Severus seemed to want everyone to know who Y/N belonged to. The other side of her hoped that he didn't actually start to hold a grudge against James. They continued eating, and she noticed Severus' hungry gaze everytime they made eye contact.

"Can you get me a drink, love?" Severus whispered into her ear, his hand stroking her thigh. It was almost as if he tried to make her crazy on purpose. She nodded, a breath escaping as she stood up. She went over to the drinks table, and when she looked over her shoulder she could see Severus smirking at her. Puzzled, she poured both of them some lemonade and got back to their seat. He leaned in closer to her.

"I just wanted to see your ass." Y/N's eyes widened and she looked around to see if someone heard it, and saw James focusing on them. She whipped her head around, heart beating.

"Don't say that here." Although she gave her sentence a teasing tone. She knew what they were about to do when they got home.

They left earlier than other guests, waving their farewell and quickly walking back over the sand. Severus pulled her with him.

"Not so fast," She laughed. Severus stopped in his tracks to turn around.

"I can't wait anymore." And suddenly they weren't at the beach anymore, but standing in the living room of the house. She had little to no time to take in the fact that he apparated them, as her partner immediately started to trail kisses over her neck. She moaned as he bit down, sucking on the flesh. Her hands shot to his long hair, twisting it between her fingers and making Severus grunt. She didn't try to pull him away and instead pulled him closer.

His body was flush against hers, hot and bothered. A strong erection pressed against her stomach and she grinded against it. She needed it now, she couldn't wait any longer. Her heart was stuck in her throat as she took in shallow breaths.

"Kneel," Severus grunted, taking a step backward and practically pushing Y/N to the ground. Hands wove in her hair and she could feel herself throb. Severus wasn't often like this. On occasion, yes, but he loved sweet passionate sex too. Sometimes he was in a different mood and didn't ask for it, merely took what he wanted. She'd be reading a book and he'd approach and without warning push her down and take her. Y/N loved those times. The times where Severus was dominant and so fucking hot. She didn't know if she could take any more of this torture now.

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