Chapter 9- Old past

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It was hard to make sure her legs were working while walking to Severus' bedroom. Who was the child? Wasn't it entirely inappropriate to have him invited in? Perhaps they'll oversee this one since the war just ended.

Merely now Y/N thought about the fact that Severus lost his memory and might not even recognize the kid, what was she going to say then? Only the staff and some close friends around knew what happened to him, perhaps the boy hadn't known yet. Well, she could always ask Severus and if he wouldn't remember then...what then?

Y/N shook her head and opened the door to reveal Severus sitting with his back against the headboard, staring at the wall and not doing anything else. She awkwardly cleared her throat and his head snapped her way and he squinted his eyes.

"Any reason to interrupt me?" He drawled. Y/N tried not to think about that tone, the one he used in different situations.

"There's a boy from the Slytherin house waiting for you. Do you want to try and see if you can remember him? I can also ask him to leave, if you wish." Severus drew in a breath and rolled his eyes as he pulled away the duvet. He was dressed in his daily clothes since neither of them thought about changing them in the heat of the moment.

"I'll come," He murmured, averting his gaze to stare at the wall once more. Y/N didn't know whether he remembered what happened, the reason why he was in bed and the unpredictable attack he got. She nodded and closed the door. The boy was seated upon the plushy sofa, back straight and tense and so was the rest of his body. Y/N desperately wanted to help him feel more comfortable here but had no idea how and didn't want to point it out so sat down in the armchair after handing him a cuppa of tea.

She took her chance to study the boy precisely. His hair was messy, longer than Harry's hair but not overly long, enough to let the fringe fall in front of his eyes. His hair was a dark brown, black in the dark and light brown in the sun.

With his posture straight and eyes nervously flying over the room to figure out where to set them, she thought about how similar he was with Severus as a child. She never knew him back then, of course she wasn't born, but she heard stories from him. She also knew that Harry had memories from him still from the war that were necessary to see to defeat Voldemort but he hadn't told her what they contained since it was rather private.

"What's your name?" Y/N needed to make sure she could ease the boy's tension. It was hard since she had graduated not long ago and the lack of plans for the future made her believe to still be at Hogwarts as a student.

"Jayden," He whispered.

"Where are you from, Jayden?" She asked politely. She wasn't good with children, merely seen others raise them and her own parents weren't that big of a role model. She hadn't heard from them since the war and they probably thought nothing happened and she was finishing her final year in peace. What they didn't know was that she graduated already and was staying at Hogwarts, not to mention being captured not too long ago and almost getting murdered by insane people.

"I live in the area where Professor Snape lives. I've known him my entire life." Whatever answer Y/N expected, it wasn't that. Severus never told her about any others in his life. She had thought he'd be alone in his house during summer breaks, or that he didn't have any need of company. Turns out she was wrong, because Jayden said otherwise.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to ask another made up question, the door opened quietly. She was relieved to notice he was in his wheelchair and wasn't going to exhaust himself to the limit before breaking down after the visit of Lucius Malfoy. Y/N shuddered but hid it when Severus gave her a raise of his eyebrow in question.

His eyes fell upon Jayden. Needless to say, his mouth practically hung open but he didn't say anything and instead sat parked his wheelchair next to an empty armchair.

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