Chapter 26- Holiday plans

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It had been a few weeks since the emotional evening where Jayden signed the papers. It was surprisingly easy to get used to the thought of having him as their official son. Perhaps it made it easier for them that they already viewed him as part of their family. It was strange, really, to think of the three of them as family. A former death eater with a twenty-or-so-younger partner who was kidnapped and to finish it off...a boy who had been disowned as a son. For some reason it wasn't as weird for them compared to an outsider seeing them.

Y/N felt herself growing closer to Severus and it probably helped that they had the luxury of guaranteed safety so they could solely focus on their relationship. The additional member to their family had somehow brought them closer as well. Jayden kept attending classes as usual and Severus made sure to treat him fairly, although without the death-glares his classmates received. Meanwhile, Y/N was trying to work up the courage to ask Severus about his future plans as they hadn't really talked about it.

She knew that the man didn't enjoy teaching as much as he told others and it was clear from the way he returned to their quarters after a long day. Whenever Y/N dared to point it out, Severus told her that he was beginning to turn into an 'old man' as he called it. That evening, she showed him that he wasn't and that he had plenty of energy left when it came down to the things he got pleasure out of. Knowing her partner as well as she did, she knew his refusal to admit his lack of interest in teaching was mostly because of that stupid dignity he carried.

Fortunately, she managed to convince him to take the rest he deserved during the upcoming summer vacation. Kids were already chattering about it all the time, their mind not at Hogwarts but instead thinking about all the things they were going to do. It seemed that Severus' mood merely got more and more difficult as students paid less and less attention to his classes.

So now Y/N was in the bedroom, packing for their trip away while summer was approaching. They were leaving in a week, right after the train of Hogwarts left as well. They had asked Jayden about his summer plans before booking the trip but he had announced that he was invited by his boyfriend to join him and his parents for two weeks in Italy. Severus, being the overprotective bastard that he was, demanded to meet his parents first to see if they were capable of taking care of him properly. Francis had come by a few more times with Jayden and it seemed that he was growing more comfortable around them, because he shied away less and engaged more in conversations. It was obvious that they liked each other and who were they if they denied young love?

They set up a meeting, Severus and Y/N with the parents of Francis and it had been rather awkward at first but everyone quickly got used to each other. There had been various choices of wine to get the conversation going, and even Severus let go of some tension in his shoulders. How cruel it sounded, Y/N had denied him a second glass of wine when he asked her the second the two entered the kitchen to cut some more bread. It was obvious that he was still struggling with his craving for alcohol and she wanted to help him, the way he helped her when she couldn't stop self harming.

They had both encountered difficult times, but they survived...together.

That's why Y/N was so concerned when he started showing his detestion when it came down to teaching. It wasn't merely that he had fulfilled his job which was preparing the students for the unknown, but also that he was finally healing from all the trauma himself. Knowing the stubborn man, he would go back to his self-destructive mechanisms just like Y/N would've done. It was weird to realize how much they were actually alike.

She took a stack of long-sleeved shirts and put them on top of the box she had bought to hide the toys. They learned of the mistake when Lucius had walked in their bedroom unannounced after apologizing, and had quickly left with a sound of disgust when he noticed the vibrator on the nightstand.

"Are you packing already?" Y/N yelped, spinning around on her heels to meet Severus' eyes. The man was smirking, his arms folded in front of the chest as he gracefully leaned against the side of the doorway. His sleeves were rolled up to above his elbows, showing the dark mark that he learned not to cover up or be ashamed of. Everyone knew the role he played in the war and they were slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was a spy. Severus accepted it himself only if Y/N would accept her own marks on her body. She didn't wear her scars with pride, but rather with acceptance.

"Better late than never." Severus rolled his eyes, tutting slightly and approached Y/N. His hips were awfully alluring as they swayed while walking.

"How is it possible that my darling is always right?" He questioned with amusement evident in his voice. Y/N shrugged at that, giving him a small smile.

"I guess I'm just way smarter than you." Severus laughed subtly which came deep from his throat, placing his thumb underneath her chin to lift her head a bit. His rough stubble scraped against her cheek as he brought his mouth to her ear.

"You wish," He growled, before nibbling softly on her earlobe. Y/N made a movement to push him away playfully, but before she could do anything two arms circled around her waist and lifted her up from the ground. He threw her on the bed, careful to avoid the suitcase at the end of it and crawled on top of her until she fully surrendered. Y/N laughed softly as Severus straddled her, looking down at her with hooded eyes and that stupid smirk on his face.

He dipped his head and started giving open-mouthed kisses to her neck, finding the spot that made her moan aloud. Y/N felt arousal built inside of her and bit her lip to try and muffle her moans when Severus bit down and sucked on that particularly sensitive spot. Her hands shot up to grab his shoulders, supporting herself as she threw her head back against the duvet from the bed. Severus allowed her a moment of control before taking both of her wrists and pinning them above her head. Her breathing came out irregular and she did her best to arch up in his touch while he held her down. Before either of them could go any further, footsteps approached.

"Severus Snape! Have some manners," A woman's voice nearly yelled. Severus' eyes grew wide but Y/N couldn't recognize the voice. They were both facing away from the door so neither of them could see anything. Y/N met Severus' gaze, who looked horrified. His head whipped around and his body half-twisted and it seemed that he had established who it was, immediately climbing off Y/N and standing up.

"Minerva." That made Y/N sit up straight on the bed with horror in her eyes. Minerva stood at the doorway, just like Severus had earlier, with her hands on her hips and a disapproving expression on her face.

"Honestly, hadn't I informed you that you could expect me after dinner?" Severus swallowed thickly, glancing at Y/N who stood up from the bed with a sheepish grin. Since it was clear that no one was going to say anything, Minerva gestured to them to follow her. She left the room and they followed.

"Cockblocker," Severus whispered in her ear just before they left the bedroom, making her snort.

Y/N decided to set some tea for them all so that Minerva and Severus could have some privacy before she'd join them. All the staff knew that they were leaving in a week. Some of the staff would stay at Hogwarts, and some were going home but it was rare for one of them to travel that far for summer.

It appeared that Minerva had wanted to talk to them before they were leaving for so long. She had accepted their relationship a long time ago and it seemed that it brought Severus and Minerva even closer. Y/N liked her while she was a student, but she knew that a friendship could never form between the two of them. She was just glad that Severus had a friend in his life who he could trust. Minerva said her goodbyes after some tea and catching up, leaving Severus and Y/N alone in their quarters. It was a good thing that the suitcase was still open and she could easily grab one of the toys. 

A/N- Hi lovelies, it's been so long! I hope everyone is doing okay ;) So I graduated AAGHH I'm so happy to never have school again. The last months have been rough but fortunately the extra time I have now did wonders, so here I am again!  

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