Chapter 29

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The next day went surprisingly well after the small discussion the two of them had over James. It took a few kisses and more to finally convince Severus to let it go. It got so hot outside that Severus and Y/N spent most of their time indoors, with the fans on and keeping the curtains shut.

"It's too hot, Y/N." Y/N giggled at the whiny dramatic voice Severus gave after she proposed to get groceries together.

"We need to have food in the house." She crossed her arms, looking at Severus who was laid out onto the bed with his arms and legs spread. It was funny how much more comfortable the man was compared to the beginning. He still had a possessive streak, even more so than at the beginning. He was still dominant, but allowed himself to let loose enough for Y/N to sometimes take control. And he was utterly comfortable with whining like a petulant child. She had fallen in love with his strict, dominant side. Now, she rather liked this vulnerable side of him. She remembered how it felt when she touched him and how wrong it felt to touch a man like that.

There were almost no limits now. She could touch however she wanted and whenever she wanted. He could still be intimidating, especially when he got jealous.

"I am a wizard, darling! I can summon food." Y/N sighed and sat down onto the bed next to him. He turned his head and looked at her with a mischievous smirk. Before she knew it, a hand grabbed her wrist and he quickly pulled her onto her stomach. Y/N shrieked, feeling her hands being maneuvered behind her back. A warm chest pressed against her back and she shuddered at the sensation.

"Sev," Y/N tried to warn him, but Severus didn't answer. Instead, her hair got swept to the side by calloused fingertips and lips got pressed into her neck. Severus hummed against her skin.

"I know something we could do that is much more fun than grocery shopping," Severus murmured into her skin.

"Oh yeah? And what is that?" Y/N stretched out onto the bed, allowing Severus more access to her neck and back. The opened mouth kisses trailed down her backless top.

"I'll show you." His hands started to untie her top with his lips still pressed against her naked skin when a loud knocking interrupted. He groaned low in his throat in annoyance and even Y/N got irritated. She hoped it wasn't James again. If so, he certainly had a knack for being a cockblocker.

Severus hastily stood up from the bed, pulling his partner up with him. She saw him looking at her, eyes scanning from top to bottom, before throwing her one of his short-sleeved shirts.

"I don't want him seeing you in that," He growled, stalking through their bedroom door to see who was on their porch. Y/N pulled the shirt over her head and quickly followed Severus.

"-And you are welcome to come," She heard an unfamiliar voice say. Not James, although she couldn't quite see who it was with Severus standing in the door opening.

"No thank you," Severus answered, and was about to close the door. Y/N stepped forward and stopped the door from shutting entirely.

"What's this all about?" She looked at the stranger, who was dressed in a simple shirt with shorts and a blue cap on his probably bald head. He had a friendly smile, a small mustache above it.

"The name is bill." Bill offered Y/N his hand and she shook it. "I was just telling your...partner about a barbeque at mine. I heard there were newcomers from James." He smiled again with dimples appearing in his cheeks. He seemed like a friendly man, and so Y/N turned around to give Severus the sweetest face.

"Please, should we go?" She heard him say no before, and hoped that he'll change his answer after her smile. Severus rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath, turning around and waving them off.

"That's a yes, then," Y/N told Bill, who seemed confused by their conversation but turned away after a polite nod. She closed the door and went to find Severus in their bedroom.

"It'll be so much fun," She squealed. Severus grunted but leaned in for a kiss anyway. No need for groceries tonight.

They finished what they started, and before they knew it it was time to go to the barbeque. Y/N figured it was a great way to meet new people. Severus, on the other hand, was not looking forward to socializing with the neighbors especially after hearing who was attending. Since they were invited on such short notice, she quickly searched the house they were staying at to find something to bring. She eventually settled for a wine from France, which wasn't too common and also not too rare to give as a present. Severus had agreed with the gift and together they started walking in the fine sand to one of the houses next to theirs. Although the website clearly stated that these sort of houses were for rent, most of the people seemed to live there permanently.

Y/N rather liked the idea of this cottage looking house on the beach being their permanent home too. Jayden could use the floo to visit them, or they could visit him after he graduated Hogwarts. It would be hard to discuss with Severus, though. He'd feel like it is his duty to stay at Hogwarts. She could understand where he was coming from, since both of them were practically locked up in Hogwarts waiting for the war to start. Not to mention, Severus played a huge part in it and maybe it was too much to ask for him to suddenly leave that part in the past.

Perhaps this barbeque will finally convince Severus to stay, or it could give the exact opposite effect of what Y/N wants and it will drive Severus away instead.

They knocked on the wooden door, and soon the man they spoke earlier opened up.

"I'm so glad you made it." As if he knew them for years, he pulled them into a strong embrace. She could see how stiff Severus was and bit her lip to stop herself from giggling and offered up the wine. Bill took it over and thanked them before letting them in the house. It had the same interior as theirs, with minor differences that were mostly personal touches: Photographs and vases with flowers. Once outside, it was noticeable that they had a bigger backyard.

"My cousin helped me," Bill pointed at the extended row of wooden fences.

"It's beautiful," Y/N commented, looking around. She noticed flowers in dirt at the sides and plants at the back. The middle was mostly empty except for low trimmed grass and a pathway of stones leading to a circle where the barbeque was located.

"Anything to drink?" Bill offered.

"Yes please. Anything will do," Y/N said. She was about to walk with Bill to pour in some wine when Severus stopped her.

"I will get it, don't worry." And with that he kissed her cheek and walked off with Bill. She was alone now and she had no idea what to do. It was sweet of Severus to get something to drink for her, but now she had to figure out what to do in the meantime as his partner disappeared into the house with Bill. She looked around. A group of older men were talking with a beer in their hand. Pass. Perhaps the couple to the right were friendly. She walked over to them when she spotted James. James was standing alone, although he didn't look uncomfortable. For a moment she hesitated on whether or not she should say hello, and decided not to but it was already too late. James had seen her, and a smile appeared on his face as he walked over to her.

"Y/N. It's good to see you." He patted her back, as if they've been friends for years. She ducked away from the touch and quickly looked around to see where Severus was.

"Yes," She muttered. She didn't really mind James, but being alone with him without Severus was out of her comfort zone.

"I see your hands are empty. Do you want something to drink?" Her head shot to his face. Friendly eyes, charming smile.

"No thank you. Severus is getting me some wine." James chuckled at that.

"Oh," He leaned in closer, "Don't chicks get really horny from that?" Y/N grimaced, looking around once more and taking a step back.

"I should find him," She said, and was about to turn around when she saw Severus walking out. She sighed out a breath of relief. "There he is already." And walked away from James. Severus stood still, scowling, with two glasses of red wine in his hands. Oh this barbeque was definitely going to be something. They haven't even started eating yet and Severus was already jealous. 

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