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Athena's pov

It has now been a couple of months since me and Lucian got married. We have gotten a lot closer and I kinda like him not gonna lie.

I have been thing for the past few days that I should tell Lucian about my past. I trust Lucian with my life and I know that he does too.

As my husband he deserves to know and I also want him to be comfortable enough with me to share that type of things. I don't want any secrets between us because I actually want this marriage to work.

Lucian is a good guy and the more I get to know him the more I like him.

I am currently in our room waiting for Lucian to get home from a meeting.

I was supposed to go too but this type of meetings are very long and boring so I decided not to go. Lucian went on both of our behalf's.

I am so grateful for him cause if I had to sit there and listen to bullshit for hours, then I would have died of boredom.

I am watching vampire diaries with a face mask on, in my bed. Adria already went to bed as it is now 2 am, way past her bedtime.

I hear the bedroom door open and Lucian walks in. When he turned around and noticed me on the bed with a white sheet mask on he let out a yelp.

He looked like a scared child. Ladies and gentlemen there you have it, the big bad mafia boss.

I turned on the bedside lamp and looked at him blankly.

"What the heck is that on your face??" He asked looking scared of a sheet mask. Yes, a sheet mask.

"It is a face mask idiot." I said in a duh tone.

"Oh...ok" He walked in the closet and changed out of his suit and into sweats and no shirt.

He went to the bathroom and got freshened up and got in bed next to me.

I took of my face mask as it was time and threw it away. I came back and sat down facing him.

"How was the meeting?" I asked.

"It was the same old boring thing. I was very close to shooting everyone in the head so the meeting would end."

"Oh well good thing you didn't cuz that would start a war with the Greeks. Anyways I have something to tell you about." I said a little nervous about how he will react to what I am about to say.

He sits up noticing the shift in my mood. "What's wrong baby?" He said worried.

"I think it about time you know about my past and please don't interrupt me."

"Of course baby." He held my hands and kissed them. I took a deep breath and started.

"You know how I was kidnapped right? Um..the foster parents that I lived with were very abusive. Well at first when I was very little it was all really nice and they were very loving but after my foster mother died from cancer everything got worse. My foster dad started blaming me for her death. He would drink a lot and do drugs which mad him angry all the time."

I stopped to take a deep breath while Lucian rubbed circles on my hand.

"At first he would just verbally abuse me but then he started hitting me and then starving me for days. He would make me go to school so they didn't suspect anything. He would also make me work at night so he could buy all the drugs, alcohol and his food. The only time he would let me eat was when I really had to otherwise I would not get food for days. Then one day I ran away from home. Sandro let me stay at his spare apartment a few blocks away from his house. He would let me train with him and after that I never went back to that house."

I sat there waiting for him to say something, to be mad or yell or anything. Instead he just put his hand on my face and whipped a tear away. I didn't even realize that I was crying.

He pulled me on his lap and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

"You are so strong and brave. I am so sorry that happened to you. I can't even imagine what that must have felt. I am so proud of you for sharing that with me and being brave enough to get yourself out of that situation." He said softly and kissed the side of my head.

We stayed like that in each other's embrace for a while until Lucian laid down with me on top of him.

I snuggled in his chest and he pulled the blanket over us. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep in his warmth.

Lucian's pov

After Athena told me about her horrible foster father, I was so mad at that bastard for putting my Athena through that.

I wanted to rip him out of his grave and kill him again over and over again.

It makes me feel sick hearing about the shit that this sick bastard did to a child. A fucking child for god's sake.

It also makes me happy that she felt comfortable enough with me to share this type of information.

I don't pity her, I know she hates it when someone pity her. I just feel sorry that she had to go through that at a very young age.

I will give her all the happiness in the world so she can forget about the horrible things that happened to her and is able to move on. I promise.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear her soft snoring and her even breathing. She looks peaceful when sleeping. I pushed a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"Спокойной ночи, любовь моя" I whispered and kissed her on the head.

(Sleep well my love)

I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me.


Hello my lovelies! 🤗 How are you doing?

Question : what is your favorite tv show?
(Mine is vampire dairies)

Thank you for reading my story I know it's kinda shitty but still thanks. I love you guys 😘 till next time.

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