The fight

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Carlos's pov

After having dinner everyone went to their rooms and did what we the fuck they did. I don't really care.

I however was getting ready do my fight tonight. I haven't had a fight in a couple of days because Athena was here and it has been a couple of crazy few days.

I put all my stuff in my bag and put on a pair of pants and a hoodie. Then I made my way outside and got in my car.

I got to the underground fighting club and signed myself in. Then made my way in the back room for fighters.

I took off my hoodie and put all my stuff in the locker. I then put on my mask and went outside waiting for my name to be called.

"Now fighting is Bostons champion the one and only DEVIL'S ROSE!!"

"Fighting against the undefeated SMOKE!!"

And I walked in the fighting ring.

I looked at her, she was small around 5'4 or 5'5 maybe. She looked idly familiar and our eyes were the same color.

I scanned her for any weakness but I didn't find any. Then the bell rang and we started fighting.

I charged at her trying to punch her but she dodged me and kicked me in the knee.

I then tackled her to the ground and tried punching her but it wasn't so good. She moved her hips and managed to flip us over and punched me.

We kept going back and forth until she managed to get free and stand up. I got up and went charging at her. She dodged the punch, grabbed my arm and flipped me over her shoulder.

Then she got on top of me and punched me hard knocking me out.

*Ding Ding Ding* "And the winner is...DEVIL'S ROSE!!!" Someone announced.

I woke up after a while and saw that I was in the back room. I quickly got up but instantly regretted my choice as my head felt dizzy.

I sat back down for a little bit then got back up. Slowly this time. I hat my stuff from my locker and on my way out of the room, I saw a big bruise on my face.

The place where she punched me. I have got to say she is really good. I mean she defended me, the undefeated has been defended.

That bruised you ego huh?

What! No it didn't.

Of course it did. I know you.

No it didn't and you don't know me at all.

You idiot I am you.

What! Oh yeah... shut up!

Haha Dumbass.

Shut up!

The bruise hurt, that's gonna be there for a while. I walk back outside and get in my car.

I looked at the time and it was 4 am. Oh shit! Dom is awake and if he finds out he is going to kill me. I hope I don't get caught.

I speed back home and quietly try to sneak in the house but it was an epic fail.

"And where do you think you're going?" Dom said causing me to freeze in my track. Shit! I got caught. Again.

"To my room." I said innocently.

"Uhh nope. In the kitchen now." Oh great! God help me.

I walked in behind him and he motioned me to sit down on the bar stool. I sat down as he got the first aid kit from the cabinet.

"How many times have I told you not to go fighting there. It is not safe." He said putting ointment on a cotton swab.

"You always come back home hurt and bruised up. It's not healthy for you to keep doing that. Gosh! Look at this bruise on your face. That must have hurt."

*hisses* "Yeah it did and even knocked me out for a while." I said causing him to chuckle.

"Whoever punched you must have been really strong."

"Yeah she was. I mean for a girl her height, she is really strong."

"Oh how tall was she?"

"Around 5'4 I think."

"Oh ok. Now go get cleaned up almost time for breakfast." He said motioning me to go upstairs.

I went in my room put my bag in the closet and hopped in the shower.

After I got out of the shower I put on a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I made my way downstairs and saw that everyone was there except Athena.

I guess she is still sleeping. I sit down with a glass of orange juice and start eating my breakfast.

"We have a mission to go to today and I want all of you there." Andrew said.

"Ok but what about Athena?" Axel asked.

"Athena will be staying home and don't worry there will be guards and maids in the house at all times keeping her safe." Dom said.

"Oh ok. Is she still sleeping?" Ace said.

"Most likely since she is not here." I said.

"I am gonna go wake her up." Drew said.

"I come with!" Axel exclaimed.

"Me too!" I said.

"Me three!" Ace said.

We walked in her room and saw that she was sleeping snuggled in her blanket. She looked so fucking adorable.

We were debating on who was gonna wake her up and decided on Andrew since she wouldn't yell at him for waking her up.

When Drew was trying to wake her up, she grabbed his arm and pulled him on the bed. Then cuddled up to him.

She must have thought that it was her pillow. I felt a little tinniest tiniest bit jealous of him since he got to cuddle with her already.

She woke up after Andrew yelled at us for complaining. She looked so confused.

Her hair was very messy and she was rubbing her eyes sitting on the bed. She was wearing a red pajama set. I have got to say red suits her.

"Go and get freshened up and come down to eat breakfast." Andrew said and we all walked to our rooms to get ready ourselves.


Literally writing this at 1am, so if there is any mistakes feel free to point it out.

Au revoir!

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