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Athena's pov

I woke up with a massive headache. It felt like someone was hammering my head. I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at the mirror to see that I was still in last night's clothes.

I got changed into the sweats and hoodie that I got from Lucian's office. I wanted to wear something comfy and they were the comfiest thing I have. I took my hair out from yesterday's messy hairstyle.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down on the chair. Andrew came up to me and kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning." He said.

"More like a bad morning." I said messaging my temple hoping to ease the pain.

"Oh man. Here have this it will help with the headache."

He passed me a glass of water and a Tylenol. I gulped it down in a second and then ate my breakfast. Then Dom walked in the kitchen and sat down.

"Good morning. I need your help with a mission." He said.

"Sure. What do I have to do?"

"Nothing too much. Just have to go to one of our clubs and kill a man. Here is the info on him." And passed me his file.

"Ok. That's easy. When do I do it?" I say sipping my coffee.

"Tonight. He is supposed to come to our club. Don't worry we will be right outside because if he sees us he will run."

"That's fine don't worry about it. What time are we leaving?"

"At 9 pm. Be ready by then."

"Ok. I am gonna go over to to my friends. Bye guys." I said and walked out to my car. I drove over to the mansion and went inside.

"MY LOVELIES I AM HOME." I yelled and heard a bunch of footsteps running down.

"BESTIEEEE" They said and tackled me to the ground.

"I missed you so much." Louis said.

"Lu we literally were together all day yesterday." I said.

"Still. I missed you."

"I know I missed you guys too. By the way I have a mission tonight."

"Oh what do you have to do?" Claire asked.

"I have to go to the club and kill a man named John Fredrick. He stole money from my brothers."

"Oh well can we come? It's been ages since we went on a mission together. Then after we can party." Am said.

"Ok let me ask Dom." I called Don and he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Dom can Lu, Lair, and Am join me for the mission?"

"I mean I guess they could. I don't have a problem as long as the guy is dead by the end of the day."

"Ok thanks Dom Dom. Bye." I hung up and told them the news. They were very excited for the mission. I got them caught up with the info and then we went to the pool side and watched the sunset.

We had dinner and we got ready for the mission. Lu was wearing black pants and a black dress shirt with some do the buttons undone. He rolled up the sleeves all the way up to just under his elbows. He looked really good.

Am was wearing a black sparkly off shoulder two piece dress and Lair was wearing a black off shoulder sweetheart neckline dress. I went with something a little more seductive so it was easier to kill the man. I wore a black dress with a crisscross top.

Claire^        Am^           Athena^     Louis ^

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Claire^ Am^ Athena^ Louis ^

We all decided to coordinate our outfits and wear black. You can never go wrong with black and if we get blood on us then it won't be noticeable. It's a win win.

We got in the car and drove to the club he was supposed to be in. We meet up with my brothers on the dinner across the street from the club. We each got a ear piece and went over the plan one more time.

When we got to the club the bouncer let us in immediately since he knew who we were. We went in and spread out. I was at the bar, Lair was at the booths, Lu was near the front entrance and Am was upstairs at the private area.

"Guys he just walked in. He is heading over to the bar." Lu said in the ear piece.

"Ok I got it." I said.

We watched him as he made his way over to the bar. He took a seat two seats away from me. He looked at me and smirked.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" He asked with a smirk. I want to choke him.

"M-My boyfriend broke u-up with m-me so I-I an drowning my sadness" I said acting drunk. He smiled and sat next to me. Ew get away from me.

"Well that sad. How about we go over to the private area." He said putting his arm over me shoulder. Gross I can't wait to break you arm.

"Sure." I got up and fake stumbled to the stairs. He was right behind me. He put his hand on me wait as we were going up.

The private area was totally empty for tonight. Well except from us. The others were already waiting upstairs for me to get him there so we can finish him.

As soon as we were upstairs, he pushed me against the wall. Ow you rude bitch. I pushed him away and punched him in the face. That's what you get asshole.

"What the fuck! You bitch." He yelled and tried to get up but I kicked him in the balls.

"You disgusting prick." I spited out. At this point we all were circled around him, caging him in. He got up and looked at us confused.

"What are you guys doing!" He yelled over the loud music.

"Well killing you of course." Lair yelled back with a big grin on her face. The guy looked like he was about to piss himself.

I got out my knife and stabbed him in the stomach and then in his left arm. The one he put on my shoulder and around my waist. He screamed in pain but it was muffled by the loud music. I then stabbed him in the throat making him choke on his own blood and die.

"All done. Get someone to clean this up." I said in the ear piece.

"Damm that was fast." Ace said. He was monitoring us through the security cameras and the coms with the rest of my brothers.

"Yeah. You guys can leave if you want but we are gonna party."

"Alright. Be careful and if anything happens call us. Bye." Dom said.

"Bye." We all said.

I realized that I had blood all over my hands and my bare stomach. I went to the bathroom and washed the blood off me and went back to the bar to meet up with the others.


Sorry I couldn't update yesterday I was busy.

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