The Past

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TW: abuse

Athena pov

I woke up to little tiny hands shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that kind was awake. Yesterday kins stayed home with some guards and after I came home I saw that she was crying in her room. She had a bad dream so I brought her to my room and let her sleep here with me.

The rest of the family came home around 3 am and I got home around 12 am. I look at her she was sitting on my bed with the blanket over her head. She looks so adorable.

I get up and brush my teeth and brush my hair. Then I pick her up and go to the kitchen. I handed kins to her mom and sat down. After breakfast we all sat down in the living room so I could explain.

"Athena you wanna explain what happened yesterday and how you become the French mafia leader?" Uncle Enzo said.

"When I was 16, I went on a mission to kill this guys. I went to his club where he was and killed him. At the time, I didn't know that he was the French mafia leader. I found that our after I had killed him. His assistant told me that he was the French leader and since I killed him I was now the new leader."

"At first I though that the entire mafia would hunt me down and kill me. But turns out that no one in the mafia liked the guy. So since I killed him they were very grateful and pledged their allegiance to me." I say.

"But Athena how did you become an assassin in the first place?" Drew asked.

I took a deep breath and began.

"Growing up I didn't really have a great childhood as you may think."

"What do you mean?" Dom asked.

"What i am about to say next is hard so please no one interrupt me." I say and everyone nods.

"I was abused by my foster dad. At first it was fine they were really nice but then after my foster mother died from cancer and things got worse. He blamed me for her death. He would yell at me, slap me, punch me, kick me, starve me and many other things. I will spare you the details. Then I met Sandro he taught me how to defend myself. He even let me train with him. Then I started going on mission with him and that's how I met Claire, Amelia and Louis."  

"I have scars all over my back because he thought it was easier to cover up and hide from people." I finished and a lone tear left my eye. I look up to see everyone tense and shaking with anger.

"Umm did her ever try to..." Carlos trailed off.

"Rape me? No." Doesn't mean he didn't try.

Then one by one everyone got up and left somewhere. I sat there stuck in my own thoughts when kins came up to me.

"Are you crying lil?" She asked.

That's when I realized that I was crying. I wiped my tear away.

"No I am not crying. I just got something in my eye."

She got on my lap and kissed my cheek. Then wrapped her small arms around my neck. We stayed like that for a while then she let go.

I didn't see anyone the rest of the day except from my aunts and grandma. The boys were not even home.

Carlos's pov

After hearing what my baby sister has been through I was fuming with anger. I wanted to bring back that bastard and kill him over and over again.

I got up and left the house. I need to blow off some steam so I went to the underground fighting ring.

I was there fighting all day and then I came back home at midnight. I fet really bad for her that she had to go through so much at a very young age.

I wish I was taken instead of her so that she didn't have to go through all that pain and suffering. I would take all her pain and suffering away in a heartbeat if I could but I can't.

All I could do I be there for her and protect her now. I will make up for all that time I couldn't protect my sorellina.


Poor baby 😭 I feel bad for her.

That was a heavy chapter.

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