A day with Adri

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Athena's pov

"BOYS I AM HOME!" I yelled and walked in the living room.

"Hey Athena. Hi child...WAIT! DID YOU KIDNAP A  CHILD!!???" Axel yelled.

"What! You kidnapped a child!" All of them yelled as the walked in.

"Guys! No I did not kidnap a child. Why would I kidnap a child? Anyways, this is Lucian's sister Adria. He asked me to watch her cuz he had to sort something out." I explained.

"Ohhhh." They said.

"Lil who are they?" Adri asked.

"These are my brothers." I introduced them.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure. What do you want to watch?"

"Moana!!" We went to the movie room and put on Moana. My brothers had to leave cuz they had a meeting and then a mission so it was just me and Adri at home.

We were halfway through the the movie when Adri fell asleep on my lap. She looked so freaking adorable sleeping. I turned off the movie and carried her to my room.

I put her down on my bed and put the blanket over her. I sat down next to her with my laptop and got some work done.

A couple hours later Adri woke up crying and asking for her mom. My heart broke seeing her cry.

"Lucy.." she cried. I quickly picked her up and tried to calm her down.

"Hey.. it's ok your ok don't cry." I said in a soft voice rocking her back and forth. After a while she stopped crying and calmed down.

"What happened sweetie?" I asked her.

"I had a bad dream where daddy was hurting Lucy. Where is Lucy?" She said.

"Lucy is at work. He is ok and he will come get you later ok?"

"Ok. I am hungry."

"Ok let's go see what we can eat." I carried downstairs to the kitchen. I don't know what 2 year olds eat so I asked one of the older maids to get her some food.

I sat down with Adri in my lap and the maid gave her the food. She ate it and I helped her drink water cuz the glass was too heavy for her to lift.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked her.

"Ooo let's play tag!!" She said very excited.

We played tag for a while, then she watched me play on the Xbox and then she got bored so we played doll instead. After that she got tired of the running and play so she fell asleep.

It was now 10 pm and I still didn't have dinner. I got a bowl of left over pasta from yesterday and ate it in the living room where Adri was sleeping. My brothers were on the way back and Lucian was still doing whatever he was doing.

I picked up Adri and brought her to my room and put her in bed. I then texted Lucian.

A- hey you can just go straight home. Adri fell asleep so I don't want to disturb her sleep.

L- you sure? I mean it not a problem I can pick her up.

A- yeah it's fine plus I like spending time with her.

L- ok thank you for today and I will pick her up in the morning.

A- alright see you in the he morning.

I put the phone away as I heard my brothers walking up the stairs. I opened my door and saw them. They looked very tired.

"Hey guys. How was the mission?" I asked.

"It was good but we are exhausted." Ace said.

"Oh ok. Well goodnight I am gonna sleep."

"Goodnight." They all said at the same time and walked in their rooms. I closed the door and laid down next to Adri. I put the blanket over both of us and turned off the lights.

Today was very fun and relaxing. I really like Adri. She is so nice and kind. I really can't believe that a person so grumpy and annoying like Lucian has a sister this adorable and nice.

I fell bad that she had to lose her mom at 1 years old. I closed my eyes and welcomed sleep with open arms.


I was dreaming about eating sushi on a yacht when I felt some shake me.

"5 more mins." I groaned.

"Lil wake up I am hungry." Adri said shaking me harder.

"Gurl Why are you up so early? It's 7 am." I said sitting up.

"I don't know. I am hungry."

"Ok wait here I will be right back."

I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I came back out to see Adri playing with the blanket. I picked her up and brushed her teeth with a spare tooth brush.

I changed her clothes and put her in one of my shorts and one of my smallest hoodie. The hoodie was still too big for her but it was ok. I had to roll up the shorts multiple times cuz they were too long.

We then went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Dom and Andrew were already there eating.

"Morning girls." They said.

"Morning." We said. I put Adri on the chair and went to make scrambled eggs for us. I put some scrambled eggs and cut up strawberries on a plate and placed it in front of Adri. I sat down with my plate and started eating.

After eating, Adri asked me to do her hair for her so I put it in two pig tails. Let me tell you she looked ten times more cuter.

As I was finishing with her hair Lucian walked in.

"Lucy!!!"Adri screamed and jumped on Lucian.

"Adri. Did you have fun with Athena?" He asked.

"Yesss she is amazing. I love her!" She yelled. Awww adorable.

"I love you too munchkin." I said getting up and walking over to Lucian and her. She smiled at the nickname.

"Did she bother you too much?" He asked.

"What no. She is the sweetest girl ever. I loved hanging out with her."

"Ok. Well thank you for looking after her. We need to get going now."

"No problem. Bye munchkin." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye bye." She said waving at me. They got in the car and left. I miss her already:(


This is the cutest thing ever. She so adorable.

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