Cash's POV (39)

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'Cash, if you didn't want to do this, why didn't you just tell Ranger how you really felt?' C asked, C is my Lycan, it is actually Cash but I preferred his name to my own, 'he looked happy when he was talking about it', C didn't talk to me after that, he gets annoyed with me sometimes, that I always want to please Ranger and put his needs before my own.

I finally told Ranger that I wanted to go home and not complete the tour, he was more understanding then I thought, he said about going to the new pack for a meeting then we can go home, I miss the pups, so I bet Ranger is pulling his hair out with stress in wanting to see them but Ranger being Ranger, he will hardly show it.

As we got closer to the new pack, I could feel a strange feeling that made me want to run faster and get there quickly, I kept it to myself as not to get anyone's hopes up over nothing.

The top alpha, Senko, showed us around there hut that they call a pack house, we sat out side but I couldn't stop moving, looking around, 'C what's wrong? Why can't I sit still?' 'I can smell our mate' "sorry Senko, Cash sit still" "sorry, Ranger but I think my mate is here" "what?" He said looking around, "Senko, what omega's do you have here?" "Just one, my sister, she's only just turned 18 today" "can you please bring her here", Senko looked afraid, "sorry but I think she might be my fated mate" I said in a low voice, "she is my kid sister, please let this pass over" "are you joking? Have you got your fated partner? If I asked you to leave her, would you? As someone that's gone through it, its the worst feeling in the world" Ranger was furious, "Ranger, please calm down, she's young, she may not feel the same" "if you want help with the start up of this pack, bring her here NOW" he shouted, Senko called his sister to where we were, she was out gathering strawberries in the field.

As she walked closer to us, I could feel the bond getting stronger, she was the most beautiful person I have ever seen, she didn't go and stand next to her brother, she stood next me, I looked up at her as I was still sat down, she lent down and kissed my cheek and said "your the one" I've never been shy before but right now, I could feel my cheeks burn, "Mika, this is the top alpha Ranger of the Blood Moon Night and that is Cash" "Senko, he is my mate" she said not looking away from me, our eyes locked, unwilling to look away from each other, "Senko, we will be taking Mika with us, what would you like in return? You name it" Senko didn't want his sister to go with us but I know Ranger wouldn't let me stay here, I wouldn't stay here as I have a responsibility to Ranger, Aria and the pups.

They came to an agreement, Mika will come to us and Ranger would pay for a second building and to pay 10 grand a month until she gives birth of her first pup, I was against it but Ranger said he would pay anything for her to come with us.

Ranger and I were waiting out side for Mika to say goodbye her friends and her brother, he was a mess, I felt bad taking her away from him, "thank you Ranger, I didn't know what to do, my head just went plank, I don't know how I can repay you" "did I ask for repayment? No I didn't, when you felt the bond, she become a member of our pack", I was so happy I could cry.

She stood at the door, her brother crying and not wanting to let her go, "come on Senko, I need to go" "no, I can't let you go" she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him so he was looking at her, "now you listen, you are a top alpha now, the pack needs you, use the money they give you wisely, don’t let the pack sway you away from what the pack needs" "but with you gone, they will".

I wasn't feeling any better with them talking, am I being to selfish wanting to take her back to my pack? 'C, if she stayed here, do you think we could…' before I could finish, Mika was standing in front of me "ready?" She said as she touched my face 'did that answer your stupid question?' C said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Senko, it's a pleasure doing business with you, I will send the workers by the end of the week to build your new pack house and your second building" "but we only agreed on one building?" "Take it while I'm still feeling generous", Senko bowed and said "thank you very much, please look after my sister" "we will, I can tell she will get along with my mate, you have brought up a very good girl" he bowed again and thanked Ranger.

We all shifted as we ran home, Ranger ran point as we ran behind, he seamed to run a lot faster then he did between the packs, I suppose he want's to get home fast to see his family that I took him away from.

Mika's fur was a light brown, it looked like a honey colour, we mind liked and got to know each other, we had similar interests, she loves growing fruit and veggies and I love to eat, we like the same type of music, the only thing we differ is on movies, I love action and horror but she loves romantic comedies and Christmas movies.

When we finally got back to the pack house, we changed in the forest, Ranger just put his pants on and ran to the house as fast as he could.

I could see, Aria, Dixson and the pups waiting, "I think he’s excited to get back?" She laughed, "he has been away from his family for a while because of me" "I'm glad he did or we would have never met" she kissed my cheek, "will you introduce me to your pack?" "Our pack, you are a part of it now".

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