Aria's POV (20)

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It's nice having Dixson here but I miss Ranger, Cash had said to Dixson when he was first at the pack house that he needs to go out with them and party when the new moon comes, but Dixson as never here, but it's the new moon tonight and everyone has gone out, the house is so quiet, it was nice but also erie, I had ran out of water and I was feeling a little hungry.

When I was walking back from the kitchen, I could see Ranger's office light on under his door, I went in to turn it off and Ranger was slouched on the desk, fast asleep on his folded arms, there was no way I could pick him up to take him to bed like he can with me, "Ranger, please wake up, Ranger" I said gently, shaking his shoulder, he lifted up his head, struggling to open his eyes, "Aria, why are you out of bed?" "I needed some water and I was hungry" he popped up frantically "I will go get you it now" "calm down, I've already got it, come on, let's go to bed".

I sat up eating my sandwich I made as Ranger had his arm around my waist, asleep, he hardly never sleeps before I do, I felt his forehead, he was burning up, "great, seems like you have the bug now" I got my bottle of water and put it on the back of his neck, he made a little grone but didn't move away from the cold bottle.

He was so sick that night, he laid on the bathroom floor just like I did the night before, "now I know why you wanted to lay on the floor, it's so cool down here" Ranger said getting himself more comfortable, "believe me now that it's just a bug going around" "yeah, yeah, yeah, I would still like you to get checked out, just in case" "don't you think myself and Midnight would known if we are pregnant" "yeah but you also didn't know you had heat cycles" "fine, I will go see him in a few days, once this bug has shifted" "deal", Ranger closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I stroked his hair as he slept, 'do we have to go see the doctor? I don't want to see Ranger's face when you tell him we are not with pup' 'I don't like it either, we will just go this time to make him happy that I've been' 'fine, then we won't go again' 'deal'.

It was the day before the confirmation ceremony, I had delayed going to see Doctor Anderson since I made the deal with Ranger, he was better the next day after being sick, I still feel like shit.

"Morning Aria, what can I do for you this morning?" "I've had this bug that everyone has had but I'm still feeling like crap when everyone only had it for 24hours or less, I've felt like this for about a week now" "oh ok, let's do some test and get to the bottom of this, first question, could you be pregnant?" "I wish" I thought I whispered "you haven't been to me to get tested for a long time, let's do that one first" I took in a big breath to get myself ready for the negative result, "you know what to do with these" he said as he handed me two pregnancy tests, I took them into the bathroom and peed on the test end.

While we waited, he took my blood pressure, my temperature and took a blood sample, "ok let's have a little look at thesssssse......" He dragged out the s, I was confused, "well, I see congratulations are in order, you are finally with a pup” Doctor Anderson said holding up my tests, I was in disbelief, I could clearly see the two blue lines on the tests, I was finally with a pup that Ranger and I have been desperately trying for, Midnight was going crazy in my head, she was so happy, howling, jumping around, she was doing what I wanted to do.

"There’s a few things we need to now do, firstly a ultrasound to see how far you are, when was your last heat cycle?" "About four weeks ago, to be honest, it didn't last to long three days maybe" "that could be because your heats have just returned after the two years you were away, please lay on the bed and lift up your top" I was still in shock, I'm finally pregnant, I broke down in tears, "Aria, would you like for me to send for Ranger?" "No, I will link with Dixson, I want to surprise Ranger tomorrow at the ceremony" "I will give you a few moments", Doctor Anderson left the room, I took in a few deep breaths, 'Dixson, where are you?' 'In the food hall, are you feeling unwell again?' 'Please come to Doctor Anderson's office, right now' 'what? What? What’s the matter?' 'Just come quickly' 'not until you tell me why?' 'I'm pregnant, so move your arse'.

Dixson got to the office, in under two minutes, Doctor Anderson put some cold jelly on my stomach, "congratulations, they look to be about seven weeks" "they?" I said confused, "they, you are pregnant with triplets" he said turning the screen towards me, he pointed to each pup, "1, 2, 3".

"Lycan pregnancy’s is a lot shorter than a normal person, Lycan's are only pregnant for about four months, but with triplets might be a little longer, we haven't had any triplets born to this pack for many, many, many years" "do you know what sex they are?" Dixson asked, "yes, I can see, is that what you want Aria? Would you like me to tell what sex they are?" "No, I don't want to know, I want to keep one surprise for us both, if they are seven weeks, I had a heat cycle a few weeks ago, is everything ok with the pups?" "It was most likely your hormones going haywire, it sometimes happens to pregnant Lycan's, there's no need to worry, they look very healthy".

He snapped a few pictures and handed them to me, I asked him not to say anything to Ranger, even if he asked, "wow, congrats sis, three pup's, the pack house isn't going to know what hit it" he handed me back the pictures and I tucked them in my pocket, when I had the ultrasound, I hadn't noticed before that I had a little pot belly, I had just thought I had eaten to much but now I know its pup's, three of them.

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