Aria's POV (14)

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"Aria, wake up, wake up" Dixson said as he shook me awake, "what?" I grumbled, turning onto my back, my whole body was stiff and tired from last night, letting myself be in the moment with Ranger, I had forgotten all the bad shit that’s happened here, the sex was so good.

"Get up, were leaving, get dressed" "what are you talking about?" "Ranger is letting you leave as long as we all leave right now" "he said what?" I said sitting up in bed shocked, "it's true Aria, Ranger said you either leave now or he will never let you leave this place" Cash said, leaning against the door, it was only then I realized I was completely naked when Cash winked at me, "get your skinny arse out of bed, we need to go now before he changes his mind".

This wasn’t my room, I didn't have any clothes, I just put some of Ranger's clothes on and we left.

In the woods, we put all clothes in a bag that was on Curtis back in his Lycan form, it was funny to see.

I turned back towards the pack house, Ranger and Cash were standing at the door, for a split second, I didn’t want to leave him, after last night, do I actually want to leave him? Mitch growled at me, wanting me to shift, "ok, I’ve only done it once, give me a second" I looked back to the house and they were gone.

It took ages to shift, Midnight didn’t help, I knew she didn’t want to go, she hasn’t spoke to me probably for so long, it was strange taking over my Lycan form, I had only done it once before but that was only my claws on one of my hands, I know Midnight was still with me, every now and then she would help me jump over something high, or over something wide.

We ran for hours and hours, Mitch knew where we were going, we met up with the rest of our new pack about half way there.

With in a week, the pack house was almost built, I can't wait to have a proper shower, bathing in the river is nice but a hot shower is what I need.

Tanna and Ivy joined us yesterday, I sent him our new address, he couldn't say sorry enough to me, it was good to see him and have them join our new pack.

                                              The Shadow Moon pack.    

                                                         Time jump.

It been two years since leaving the Blood Moon Night pack and joining my brothers new pack Shadow Moon, since leaving my heats have stopped again, I still have a scent but nothing that comes with it.

I was laying in bed with Dixson, he just had his heart broken for the forth time this month, he likes a Lycan called Joan but she doesn't like him, "just move on, she doesn't like you, there are plenty more Lycan’s here that like you, what about Fifi, she follows you around like a sheep or even Ruby" "no, I want Joan" he pretended to cry, his phone rang and I picked up, "sorry, cry baby Dixson cannot come to the phone right now" "Aria, is that you?" "Cash?" "Long time, no speak, how's everything going?" "yeah its going good, you?" "Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Ranger is.... Dying" "that better be a joke? Not a funny one at that" "Aria, is everything ok?" Dixson whispered, “I wish it was, he told us all not to tell you, but I just can't see him like it anymore, the doctor said it's a matter of weeks now" "what’s wrong with him?" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks, "honestly, it's because you left, he didn't reject you, when you are fated, he needs something from you, he needs your pheromones from your heat, you remember, he would sit outside your room for days?" 'Go to him' I heard in my head, I dropped the phone and I ran out the door.

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