Chapter 20

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╚».     What Sirius and Remus never expected on a quiet afternoon was that two letters would be dropped in front of them , written by Hadrian and hearing the floo go off as Tom scurried to the living room , where they sat .

The three men sat and stared at the sheet of paper in their respective hands . The most detailed ones were to Tom and Remus while a very short summary was written to Sirius .

Back in Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley and another person ,  stood face to face . This person , was none other than Albus Dumb-ass-Door .

“ My Dear , is there any progress ?” he asked with a creepy smile on his wrinkled face .

Ginny nodded , “ If we could douse his food with èrotas then ... ” she trialled off

Dumbledore seemed thoughtful
“ My Dear Girl , it is a very hard and illegal potion and Severus doesn't seem to have a problem with Potter ”

Ginny  huffed , “ We don't need his help we can ask any other willing potions master ”

Dumbledore chuckled
“ You are smart Ginevra Weasley , yes .. yes I have a person in mind ”

“ Who sir ?”

“ Horace Slughorn ”

“ Will he agree ?” she asked

“ A simple imperio will do the trick ” he answered and the two grinned before The Red-Head left for  the Gryffindor Common Room .

Hadrian sat with his friends at their usual spot at the Black Lake . It would forever serve as a thing of amusement for Hadrian that his godfather boasted that it was named after him ! It was as ludicrous as it sounded .

“ Hey Drian , Other than Weaslette , nothing else has happened ” said Neville

Hadrian faced him and looked thoughtful and then nodded

“ Hasn't happened yet ” interjected Draco and was promptly hit with a book “ Ow ! Hades !? You know I'm right you have terrible luck ”

Hadrian rolled his eyes

“ Terrible is an understatement ” added Blaise and Theo agreed .

Hadrian had a face of betrayal
“ How could you , i thought we were friends ” he cried dramatically and then stood up and started walked back into the castle .

“ Nooo ” cried out Theo , “ Dont leave , we're sorry ” pleaded Blaise

“ No Mercy !” exclaimed Hadrian

Everyone looked ready to laugh and they did , all thanks to the giggles of one - Luna Lovegood .

“ Immature is defined by you lot ” she remarked with a giggle

On the other side of the castle , in the Headmasters office , Albus Dumbledore straightened his robes and spared a glance at Fawkes .

“ It all must be done , in the name of the greater good Fawkes ” he said and then apparated away .

In the Gryffindor Common Room . Hermione sat with a book on her lap as Ron and Ginny leaned in front both sides .

“ Whats so special about this ?” asked Ron in confusion

“ Its not the book Ronald –” she said and looked around , “ – Its this ” she whispered and then underneath the book , in her hands was a time turner

“ H-how ” he muttered in awe

“ Professor Dumbledore gave me , he knows I am a very bright witch ” she boasted and the two agreed with a chuckle.          . «╝


So I need your help uhm

Who do I ship Hadrian with

• Luna

• Nobody ( Totally not a Greek / Pjo reference )

• Blaise

• Fred and George


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐫Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz