Chapter 9

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Dumbledore slumped down on his chair as Harry , his supposed pawn left along with Snape .
How ?! Was the only thing that came to mind .

He had kept specific wards to make sure he could never leave the Dursley's . His instuments had shown that he was at the Dursley's but he acted as if he was raised like the pureblood he technically is .

Dumbledore was panicking, if Harry ever got to know then the wrath of the Peverell's would be upon him..... He needed to strengthen his positions .

Starting with Wizengmot. He was Chief Warlock and hence held a lot of power and respect .

But it Harry continued to act this way .... His plan would topple . He would no longer be able to hold the elder wand ... Speaking of which-

Ever since Harry had come to Hogwarts , the wand's rejection of him would be stronger.

Did he ???

NO it's impossible , he thought

But could it be so ??

Maybe ...

He could barely sleep with the thought of Hadrian Peverell and the wrath of the Peverell's.


Hadrian was in his dorm and was the only one awake .

Draco awoke to get a glass of water and saw the peculiar sight of his godbrother  awake .

"Hey Hade why are you up ?"

"Dray ..... I-i i-if i never came to kn-know about being a p-peverell then ...." He started silently sobbing

"Hey hey it's ok , you found out ok hade" soothed Draco

" thanks" muttered Hadrian shyly

"gee its ok hade g'night"



The boys awoke for another day of classes and sadly they had HOM followed by DADA ( A/N - Tom teaches higher years and Lockhart the lower years)

Hadrian , Draco , Blaise , Theo  and Pansy collectively groaned causing people to snigger only to be glared by Draco and Hadrian.

The group ate breakfast and went for classes.


" Ok class today we shall be learning about  and -SIRIUS QUIT IT ! " 

The Gryffindors chuckled and the Slytherins opened their textbooks as the two professors argued .

"right sorry class uhm anyways today we learn about The time of the creatures where people with creature blood would roam freely " Sirius spoke as Remus winced a bit 

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