*Kathryn Hahn*

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#19: Decorations


Y/n's P.O.V

As i'm brushing my teeth, I hear my bedroom door opening. My heart started to race because I don't remeber talking to anyone who are coming to my house. I don't hear any noise coming from outside so I finish up brushing my teeth then I yelled.

"Who's there?" I heard someone answered but with a muffled voice so I immediately went out of the bathroom.

"Kathryn? Gosh, you scared me stop doing that! You could've called or something!" I said with my voice hitched. I look at the woman who is on my bed, face down on my pillow with a frown. After a couple of seconds of silence, her head turn to face me and she is now smiling idiotically.

"Your smell is divine darling. I wish I could smell this scent every morning." She told me then she got out of bed to hug me. "I miss you babe." She whispered to my ear and I cupped and turn her cheeks to collide both of our lips.

"I missed you too." I said in the middle of our kiss and I feel her smiling at it. Her arms that are travelling to my back, waist and hips cupped my buttcheeks that made me gasp. It gave her a reason to deepened our kiss. When air becomes a necessity I pulled away. But she keeps on kissing my neck. When I felt that she's gonna leave a mark that's when I pulled away gently and completely earning a groan from her. I chuckled at her antics and gave her a peck.

"Well someone's in a mood." I teasingly said and I recieved a cute pout from her. "Can't right now babe, I have to decorate the house." I said.

She frowns at what I said and tapped her shoulder twice and got out of the bedroom with my girlfriend still trying to figure out what I just said.

"What decorations?" I heard my bedroom door closes and footsteps following me.

"Christmas decorations babe." I answered and I removed the dusty towel that's covering the boxes of decorations I got out last night from the basement.

"Babe it's the first week of october." She said like itvs a matter of fact but that doesn't change the fact that I'm already late.

"And? I need to do this, my family back in Philippines already finished putting up theirs before October. I'm late!" I absentmindedly said while busy rummaging through my boxes of decorations.

"Darling isn't a bit early for that?" Kathryn said after I felt her arms wrapped around my torso pulling me closer to her body, making me stop.

"Nope, like I said I am actually late babe." I said and gone back to getting the things I need out of the box.

"It's not even halloween yet. We can put it up after the thanksgiving darling." I feign ignorance after I turned around to face her.

"First, we celebrate halloween... Really? Second what's thanksgiving babe?" I see her eyes and mouth turning 'O' and I can't help but giggle.

"Darling are you serious right now?"

"Babe, I'm kidding but in my country, we decorate for christmas atleast third or last week of September. We don't really exactly celebrate halloween that much. But that depends on the family ofcourse, we spend our October 31 and November first by going to the graves of our passed away loved ones. As for Thanksgiving... it is not a holiday for our country. Because of some history that I pretty much not paid attention too." I explained at her and I gave her time to think and process what I just said to her.

"Okaaaaay, that's a lot but at the same time not a lot too." We laugh at her stunned state and It's so cute seeing her crunch face whenever she's thinking about something.

"So what, should we blast some christmas songs now?" She jokingly ask and I nod.

"Babe are we really...?" My eyebrows cocked at her.

"We? Oh babe, only Filipinos has a voucher to play christmas songs in September. Specially Mariah Carey's Song." I said in a mocking tone and she stop me from putting garlands around the windows and grabs my waist.

"Gosh, you really are extraordinary. Come live with me." To say I'm frozen is an understatement. I'm pinned against a wall while my brain is not working. She's looking intently at me.

"A-are you sure Kathryn?" Her grip on me tighten then she kiss me slowly and passionately.

"Yes babe. So so sure." She said after our lips part ways and even though I can't see my self i'm pretty sure that my eyes are shining.

"Okay. When?" I ask thinking it'll be after this year but I got stunned yet again with her answer.

"Next week. Or we can do it tomorrow."

"Kathryn, what the fuck? Are you even serious?"

"Yes, decorate our house, I don't care just be with me." She voiced out and I teared up. I wrap my arms around her neck and meet her lips. I'll never get tired of this woman ever.

"Let's do it. I love you Kathryn!"

"I love you too hot stuff, now let's get this decorations out of your grip..." She said while getting the garland out of my hands and tossed it to the box. "Stop this for now you're gonna do the decorations tomorrow. For now let me do you first." She seductively said in a whisper then nipped my earlobe. I giggled at her but I can feel my body shiver at her words.

Gosh this is gonna be a long morning.


A/n: Hi guys, I've been out but I'm back! I know it's short but once I get or think of a prompt for our mother ✨Kathryn Hahn✨ I'll do one shot of her again. For now have fun and tomorrow I'll update again! See yah!

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