*Sarah Paulson*

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#6: 3 Seconds Rule


Y/n's POV

My wife and I are having a competitive staring contest. In the middle of us is a white table with a red button in the middle. Ellen DeGeneres is talking to the audience while Sarah and I are still busy.

"So the L/n-Paulsons are going to play 3 seconds rule. You both have 5 seconds to give things based on the category that i'm going to give. Are you both ready?"

"Yes!" Sarah said.

"No so Sarah wins, bye guys!" I said and wave to the audience, acting like I'm leaving. The audience laugh and Sarah scoffs.

"Don't worry I said no because I feel like I'm going to be horrible at this not because I'm up against you!" The audience laughs again until Ellen started asking questions again starting the game.

"Ok Sarah, three things Cher might say?"

"Aahh give me back everythi-hahaha, I got hair... and also legs!" We are both laughing so hard even Ellen. Her impression is not on point but atleast it's funny.

"Whaat?" I ask while still laughing.

"She got a lot of hair, and a lot of legs!" She said while pointing to her legs. The laughter died down so it's my turn.

"Y/n name three best place for a hook ups." My eyes went wider than my face, and the audience are cheering.

"My hotel, my flat, and my condo!" After I said those three things I cover my mouth and close my eyes out of embarrassment.

"What the? You brought me straight to your house!" Sarah said and the people and Ellen laughed harder.

"Yaah! Because you are not just a hook up! Don't worry I sold all of those before I married you!" I said and the audience 'Aww' at us.

"Ok, Sarah... three things you say to seem cool."

"Aaahhh... how you doin? What's goin on? P-plans later?"

When I said we died, We literally died because of her and her answers. "Honey Oh My Ghad! I love you but it's a no for me! HAHAHA" I said, we laughed harder that it is getting hard to breathe.

"Not very cool man, not very cool!" She said and she made a funny face.

"Ok, ok, ok, Y/n Give three lies!" Ellen and I readied myself.

"Idon'tknowI'llbegentleIdidn'tdoit!" I said it so fast that they almost didn't get it. There is two seconds of silence then they burst.

"I'm sorry, I really... haha... I really can't keep it clean!" I said while still laughing.

"Does Sarah said those things to you?" Ellen said while trying so hard to breathe in the middle of a her laughter.

"She said some things..." I teasingly said and Sarah came behind me then hugged me while still laughing, almost crying.





"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Sarah Screamed and I said strings of Tagalog curse words.

"PUTANGINAKANGGAGOKA MAMATAY KA NAAAA!" I screamed to the top of my lungs even though my eyes are close now.

Unlike Sarah who have a lot of fear. I'm only afraid of Dolls. When Sarah was hugging me, an Annabelle doll fell from above and went straight into my face. Sarah jumped away from me but I was stunned. I can't move my body except my mouth so all I did was scream and curse.

"Ellen....happy? I ask still shaking from fear.

"Hahahahahaha!" All she said.

"Where is my wife?" I ask after scanning the room and the audience is still laughing hard.

"I'm not coming out!" I heard her say and I find out that she is hiding in the box beside the couch.

I can see Ellen behind the box kneeling then she announce our upcoming movies. "Ocean's Eight opens in cinemas on June 8 and The Incredibles 2 on June 15, We will be back."

And we knew that it was commercial break already. I walk to the box and opens it. "Come out Hon! You really took off and left me!" I said pouting while extending my arms for her.

"I'm sorry but you know me, I fear literally everything!" She said and Ellen is still laughing.

"You are a horrible person!" I said to her and we burst into laughter.

"I didn't even understand what you said earlier." She said and Sarah nodded.

"Oh the exact english of 'Putangina ka' is 'your mother is a whore' but it simply means mother fucker. 'Gago' is Stupid and 'Mamatay kana' is Die already." I simply said that made them opened their mouths.

"Sorry, I'm scared what can I do?" I shrugged.

"So we should bleep those words!"

"Probably!" I said then the three of us laughs. Sarah and I said our goodbyes and go straight to our rooms to change.

"Well this day is fun, but not the doll part." She said that made my eyebrows cocked.

"Well you left me so I agree!" She stops while holding my hand so I am now facing her with confusion visible to my face.

"Aww is my honey still mad?" She asked with a teasing voice. She pulls me into her so I now  can feel her body on mine, and our faces are inches away.

"I'm not mad, but I definitely didn't like it." Said I then she giggled and kissed me.

"I'm gonna make it up to you tonight, I promise." She whispers seductively to my ear while nibbling it.

"Not to lie... hmm... but I'm still sore from oh... from last night." I can't help but moan a little when she started sucking my sweet spot.

"Don't worry I'll be gentle."

"That's a lie!"

"Oh is it?" She giggled at me probably remembering what I said at the game earlier.


"Well we can both say it's a good lie." She whispered until someone called us telling us it's time to go so we pulled away from each other then she whispers for the last time.

"I can't wait to go home."

"Me too Sarah, I wonder if you can still surprise me?" Her eyes narrowed at me and to my lips that I'm currently biting.

"Oh trust me, I can." She said then pulled me to our dressing room because the people there are probably losing their patience.



QFTI: Three things you can lick? 🤔😏



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