Chap 45 E3

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Ending #3 

2 years later

Jenna and Y/n  stood hand in hand, their smiles radiant with joy. It had been a long and winding journey for them, filled with both hardships and triumphs, but they had finally reached the destination they had dreamt of—their wedding day. Surrounded by their loved ones, Jenna and Y/n exchanged vows that echoed with sincerity and love. Their promises to support and cherish each other, to be there through thick and thin, resonated deeply within their hearts 

"Jenna Ortega  , Today, as we stand here surrounded by the beauty of this moment, I want to make my vows to you, to lay bare the depths of my heart and express the unyielding love that resides within me. I give you not only my vows but my heart, my soul, and my unwavering commitment to our love. I choose you, now and forever, as my partner, my confidant, and my best friend. With all that I am, I promise to love you fiercely and eternally, and to build a love story that will stand as a testament to the power of our love.

Together, we will create a home filled with laughter, warmth, and a love that knows no bounds. I promise to build a life that nurtures our dreams, to explore the world hand in hand, and to continuously seek new adventures that will breathe life into our spirits.

In your arms, I have found my forever, and I am eternally grateful for the gift of your love. Today, I stand here, ready to embark on this remarkable journey with you, hand in hand, heart in heart.

I love you, and I always will." 

Jenna smiled widely wiping her tears , she was happy she found the love of her life and being with her in this moment, in front of everyone, it made her sad though that her parents didn't go, just her siblings but that was fine with her, it was now her turn to say her vows. 

" Y/n Herrera, or now as Y/n Herrera Ortega" she paused smiling widely hearing Y/n's new last name 

"Today, in the presence of our loved ones and the universe itself, I stand before you to declare my love and commitment. From the moment our paths intertwined, my life has been forever changed, and I am grateful for every step that has led us to this moment. In your eyes, I have found a reflection of my true self, a love that accepts me unconditionally and celebrates every facet of who I am. With you, I feel safe to be vulnerable, to reveal my deepest fears and dreams, knowing that you will hold them with tenderness and understanding. 

With you, I have learned the true meaning of love—selfless, compassionate, and enduring. I vow to love you fiercely, to nurture the flame of our love, and to never take for granted the precious gift that is our connection.

In your love, I have found my home, my refuge, and my eternal source of happiness. With these vows, I make a solemn promise to you, my beloved, to honor and cherish you every day for as long as we both shall live.

Forever and always, Your wife, Jenna. "

 The room was filled with tears of happiness and heartfelt applause as they sealed their commitment with a tender kiss.

Their love story had started years ago when they first met at Romania, the airpot to be exact, as you all know Y/n being her personal assistant. From that moment, who knew they would end up like this, as time passed a magnetic pull drawing them closer together. They had faced challenges along the way, societal prejudices and personal doubts, but their love had prevailed, growing stronger with every obstacle they overcame. As they danced their first dance as a married couple, the room was swept up in a wave of pure celebration. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, joy, and a palpable sense of acceptance. Family and friends gathered around, their love and support shining brightly, erasing any lingering shadows of doubt or discrimination from the public eye and even some family members. 

And so, as they danced under the stars, their hearts filled with gratitude and contentment, Jenna whispered into Y/n's ear, "I'm so grateful for you, for our love, and for the life we've built together." Y/n smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness, and replied, "And I'm grateful for every moment, every laugh, and every tear we've shared. I love you, now and always." she paused "But do you remember when you were filming the first season of Wednesday? " Jenna nodded not knowing where this was going, Y/n already laughing "Remember the poe cup day? " Jenna shook her head "No but where is this going Y/n?" She laughed "That's the day i heard you shit for the first time" She said laughing and in awe "YOU SHIT!!! WHY DO YOU STILL REMEMBER THAT?!?!" Jenna yelled slapping her multiple times laughing as well " I DON'T KNOW I JUST DO!!! BUT I HEAR YOU ALL THE TIME NOW!!" "NOOO SHUT UP!!!!" Y/n pulled her in for a kiss as they laughed 

"I love you" 

they both said with a huge smile on their faces . 


Here are all the endings, thank you for reading this, thank you for your support!! i will write more stories! i will publish here when it's up! so please stay tune. 

I hope you enjoyed this as much as i did. i'll see you guys very soon i hope, take care until then or re read this! 

Lots of love 

-Your favorite author.  

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