Chap 42

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I gave you guys a good scare last night didn't i!! that's not part of the story here's the actual chapter enjoy and breath!! Ya'll can thank C3RTIFIEDS1ERRA for that

Jenna made her way to the living room where she saw her mom and dad sitting in silence, her palms were sweaty, her heart was beating so fast a lump in her throat already, this had to be done "Mom, Dad" she said making her presence known she sat down in front of them keeping her head up, making eye contact with them "First of all welcome home how was your flight?" Edward asked, Jenna couldn't read him, but she was glad he asked "It was good, tired as always thanks for asking " He nodded looking at his wife to continue

Here it comes

She thought preparing her self quickly "We have unfinished business Jenna" Who only nodded for her to continue "As you can see your father already knows" "What do you-" "I'm not finished" Jenna quickly shut up feeling irritated, why wasn't her voice being heard? there's ways of saying things not just...rude like her mom just did "I do not approve Jenna i don't want you near that girl" Now you must be thinking what does Jenna dad actually think about all of this? Truth is... he just wanted her daughter to be happy, he had mixed feelings but that was his number one priority and the fact that her daughter was famous...finding someone who loves her because of her and not her fame was going to be hard so he felt a bit relieved when he found out who was dating her daughter "I want you to have a husband Jenna i want grandchildren from you" WHAT THE FUCK???? her eyes went wide open "Mom i'm 20 i have no intentions of having kids and i can always get a surrogate or even better adopt but that's your main reason for not approving this?? really??" Natalie raised an eyebrow at her not liking the tone of her daughters voice "It's not right Jenna...a girl being with a girl?" she said rubbing her forehead in distress "I didn't choose who to love mom it just happened " "AND DOES SHE LOVE YOU??" Her mom suddenly raised her voice making her flinch "Honey there's no need to raise-" "NO! DOES SHE LOVE YOU JENNA? LOOK WHAT SHE'S DOING TO OUT FAMILY! TO YOU!" Edward looked in to her daughters eyes seeing only fear and hurt, he did want to know the answer "YES MOM SHE DOES SHE LOVES ME SO MUCH! SHE CARES FOR ME, SHE MAKES ME FEEL PRETTY, SHE HANDLES MY MOODS VERY WELL WE GET ALONG! SHE LOVES ME AND I LOVE HER JUST FUCKING ACCEPT THAT" a slap echoed around the room, Aliyah and Markus frowned as they were hiding hearing everything, Aliyah was ready to go and defend Jenna but Markus stopped her shaking his head "NATALIE!" Edward said standing up as well, Jenna only held her cheek as tears rolled down her cheeks "There's nothing wrong with loving...AND IF YOU WANT GRANDCHILDREN YOU HAVE MORE DAUGHTERS " She said crying Edward didn't recognize his wife, he's never seen her like this "Let's calm down-" "I AM CALM DAD IT'S MOM! " "ME?? IT'S YOU!" "THAT'S ENOUGH Natalie she's our daughter and i don't care if she's dating a girl! i want her to be happy i'd actually like to meet her she must really be important for her to be standing up to you like this so this is what were going to do" he said clapping his hands trying to ease the tension "What example is she going to give to Markus and Aliyah WHAT IF THEY COME OUT THE SAME?!" " Being gay isn't a disease mom" Jenna said defeated "Jenna i love you and i don't fully agree but i'd like to give this a try so for now go stay with her until things calm down and we think this through" Her heart fell a bit after hearing that she had to leave, but it was the best decision and hearing her have that support from at least one of her parents...made her feel calm "Please mom just...try to understand ME push your beliefs a side...y/n is good she's amazing actually and loves me...i'm still me i wont change because of this i'll be leaving no-" "NO DON'T LEAVE YOU SHOULDN'T LEAVE" Markus popped out crying "YEAH MOM DON'T LET HER LEAVE" "Guys right now we need space we love your sister very much and everything is okay" "Yeah we can talk this out guys but right now we do need space i need space from them and them from me but i love you guys you know you can call me or whatever or even come with me if they let you guys but i'll have to ask y/n first" Jenna reassured them, she quickly left calling y/n to let her know that she's going with her. 

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