Chap 24

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Aliyah had texted Jenna about the gay situation with her parents, she said her dad seemed meh about it, and her mom as well, but still there was something off, but she couldn't tell what, Jenna's nerves eased a bit, maybe she was just overreacting at first, maybe I wasn't going to be that bas telling them she was gay, but still she wasn't ready for that , and she was so glad y/n understood.
Speaking of, she was getting stuff for everyone, she was so happy getting everyone the stuff they needed, Jenna didn't understand why she liked her job so much, she's never seen a p.a enjoy their job that much.
She seemed happier than usual today and she was happy that she was the reason for it
She had y/n's phone with her which was vibrating a lot for some reason, she decided to look, she knew y/n wouldn't mind
Who the hell is kali? Okay calm down Jenna you can ask her later
Answerrrr u gotta check instaaaaa
Gurl u gotta see what cami be posting 😳
Hasta canción te escribió (she even wrote you a song)
She didn't understand the last thing , she only knew the work canción and te, she really hated not learning Spanish.
But cami ?? Is that who she think it is?
she quickly pulled her phone out going quickly to Google translate "What are you doing with y/n's phone?" Joy asked as she stopped in front of her "Does she know ?" She added raising an eyebrow, Joy was still on the hunt for y/n, damn all these girl after her "I was just checking the time " she answered quickly as she showed her own phone showing Joy she was on Google "Reading others people text isn't okay Jen" she said and left as it was her scene with her mom
Well if she couldn't translate it, she quickly went to Camila's instagram
Cry for me is out now !
She released a new song??
She quickly searched the lyrics on Google

When I said I hope you're happy, didn't mean it
Never thought you'd be so good at moving on
When I'm lying wide awake, you're probably sleeping
And maybe what I'm thinking is wrong
Jenna read the song, Oh my god , this girl really wrote a song of someone she didn't date
She kept reading

You're so good to her, it's vicious
Yeah, she should be thanking me
Oh my, she was very direct
"What's that?" Y/n asked behind Jenna, who screamed dropping her phone "JESUS Y/N YOU SCARED ME" the younger girl said picking up her phone, y/n had a cheeky smile "what's that?" She asked again frowning, Jenna saw no harm on telling her, why shouldn't she tell her ? "Who's kali?" She asked as she handed her phone to her, y/n read the text frowning "Do you know Kali Uchis ?" Jenna nodded "She's my best friend "
For some reason Jenna felt insecure, Kali was very beautiful , actually all of these girls were, but she didn't know why she felt a bit insecure about Kali
"Oh" was all she could say , y/n noticed this but let it slide for now , she a well searched up Camila's new song, not believing what she was reading, she was going to have to call her.

"Whats up with y/n? " Emma asked as she peeked from her script, looking at y/n speak on the phone "she's talking to her friend " Jenna said with an eye roll, Emma noticed this immediately, she knew her to well already "Oh my god your not telling me something " she said scooting her chair closer to her "Spill !!"
"SHHHHH it's supposed to be a secret"
"Then tell me!"
"Okay okay ! Me and y/n are dating"
"OH MY GO-" Jenna covered Emma's mouth smiling as she squealed and screamed "are you serious !?!" She whispered yelled in excitement "yeah but don't tell anyone!" Emma did the zipper thing with her lips throwing away the keys " I won't tell a soul now tell me how it happened !!" Jenna proceeded to tell Emma how it all happened
Percy on the other side heard everything, with a smile he left the area...

Y/n wasn't really speaking to Kali, she was speaking with her lawyers, she was scared Camila would reveal who was the song about and if that could affect Jenna's career, gladly they said no, but it didn't stop people from well being people and being assholes, that she had to prepare Jenna for anything even though it had nothing to do with her
Y/n felt guilty, her girlfriend could get hate, it wasn't her fault but still she felt guilt, she even asked if she would have Camila take it down and they said no, since it really didn't reveal anyone
It bothered y/n to know it was about them, the three of them, those lyrics, god, is that was Camila actually thought ?? If only the world knew it was the other way around, Camila was crying for her , and that gave her some comfort knowing that
"Hey y/n! Wanna go get some coffee ?" Joy popped out of no where inviting her out, shit, she couldn't say no this time, if only Jenna was around but she's like 15 feet away, she saw the hopeful look, she felt bad , maybe this would make Joy realize it's just a dumb crush "Sure Joy, what time and where ?"
Joys eyes went wide, all this didn't go unnoticed by Jenna, who was still telling Emma how things happened, she got jealous very easy, she herself didn't know that about her self
"Dude your bending two spoons" Emma said with wide eyes
"Sorry I don't know what happened" she said quickl
She was a red flag for that, She herself noticed it but couldn't help it all...

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