Chap 41

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Jenna took a deep breath as she stood in front of her house, the hour was currently 2:00 am, she didn't tell her mother her arrival time just in case she was to kick her out in middle of the night, Y/n gave her that idea, that it could be dangerous for her to be out on the streets so late, there was crazy people every where.

She had texted Aliyah that she was open, to open the door, he sister already waiting for her next to it quickly opened it "Oh my god hi!" Aliyah whispered quietly with a huge smile pulling her in to a hug "Hi i missed you so much" Jenna pulled her in tightly as well shutting her eyes, after their little reunion they took the luggage inside "Mom doesn't know i'm here right?" "No it's all good but we gotta be really quiet" Jenna nodded pulling her phone out letting her know she's inside and that everything is still fine, Aliyah stared at her sister feeling a sad, she looked so tired, so sad she even dared to say scared  she knew Jenna let out details of what actually happened, she saw it in her mothers face when she got back that shit really went down, the fact that Y/n's mother had to personally go there meant it went bad, but of course her sister wouldn't say that, and she knew the reason why, they all knew the reason, so they wouldn't resent their mom...and yet that's so sweet on Jenna's behalf... such a kind heart still not putting her happiness first... " you want to talk about what happened? it's okay you know" This caught her off guard, she wasn't expecting her to bring this up at all... "Look Ali...i want to but i don't want yo-" "To resent mom i know and it wont happen but i think your well being and happiness is first" She was right, she never thought about that, Jenna rubbed her forehead covering her face trying not to break down "She hit y/n so hard Aliyah...she even bruised for like a whole week" Shocked is what her sister felt, her mom?? her sweet mom? "She even hit me... " 

They talked for a while, Jenna felt so much better after that and seeing her sister being so calm and supportive about everything, she just had to see what would happen next morning when she faced her parents. 

Y/n stood outside her mothers house, she had her own apartment but she wanted to stay a couple a days with her, she missed her mom a lot, she pulled out her key and quietly made her way inside the house, it was a simple but yet so fancy house, perfect for a rich old lady, everything was off, her mother was fast asleep, she still made her way to her mothers room, the door fully opened, there she was, her mother at 4:00 am watching Judge Judy 

"Madre que haces despierta?" (Mom what are you doing up?)  her moms head shot up smiling widely fetching for her cane to get up "Mija!! ya llegaste! " (Mija your here!!)

It had only been a couple of hours... 8:00 am and Natalie had seen the luggage in her living room, she let Edward know that their world traveler was home, they had yet to speak to her about that...issue "Markus go wake up Jenna please" he nodded , he first woke up Aliyah " and dad are gonna talk with Jenna... so your aware" Shit they wasted no time "Okay...go wake her up if anything goes down we'll call the others" he nodded making his way to Jenna shaking her slightly "Jen...jen wake up" he whispered, she quickly opened her eyes smiling as she saw her little brother "Markus!" she pulled him in to a hug which he gave back "Hey...i'm sorry to say this and ruin the moment but mom and dad want to talk with you" he said giving her a small smile. 

Jenna's heart dropped quickly, she totally forgot about that...for a minute everything felt like it used to...she pulled her phone out texting Y/n 

It's time...they wasted no time... I love you 

She hit send making her way downstairs. 

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