Chap 6

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Y/n was warned this might've happened, she knew but she didn't think they were serious, how could you forget a person? Did she get that much into her head?
She had already gotten a ride with Emma, funny thing this whole time she thought her name was Enid , since that's the name she presented her self with but she soon found out it wasn't since Emma was worried she wouldn't react to being called Enid so she had to get used to it
"How was filming Emma? Had fun?" Y/n said smiling slightly at her, she looked exhausted
"I did! I love my character she's soooo kind of like me so it's not hard! But the name calling does worry me" y/n nodded understandingly now why couldn't she be Emma's p.a? She's the one who asked y/n what was she still doing there, that Jenna had left already, she was the one who said let's go home and rest, she even offered to get pizza 
Miss Ortega
I'm so sorry I forgot about you I'm heading back to get you

Y/n frowned a bit typing back
No need, Emma's giving me a ride

"I'm still shocked she forgot to be honest " Emma said eating a slice of her pizza y/n hesitated on asking her but she had to know if she really hates her that much "has...has she said anything about me..?" Gulp, that's all she could to after that question left her mouth
"Mmm just that she didn't think they were serious on her having a p.a"
Relief, it wasn't bad "Why?"
"Since she really didn't want a p.a well I think she's not so fond of me "

Jenna scrolled through her phone patiently waiting for the older girl, she didn't know what she was going to say but sorry was a for sure, she had asked y/n to stay in her trailer but even though she'd find a water bottle on her chair out of nowhere, or a protein bar, or her blanket, she was still present somehow but until now Jenna just realized this, Maybe she was getting to much into Wednesday because forgetting someone like that just isn't okay
The door opened revealing y/n waving bye to someone closing the door behind her
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to forget about you it just happened and I didn't realize it and I'm just so used to it us being me please forgive me" Jenna said in one breath feeling a bit nervous, why was she?  She shouldn't be, y/n smiled slightly not expecting an apology she walked to the kitchen to prepare her talent her dinner "it's okay not gonna lie but I was warned that could've happened i guess I'll call you from now on to see if your still there " Jenna nodded not saying anything, she felt ashamed, and even more when she saw y/n was making her dinner, she'd completely forgotten she had to eat dinner.

Y/n sat along with Jenna as she ate to keep her company, Jenna could just stare at with her Wednesday stare her making y/n a bit uncomfortable, usually it wouldn't but since it's so..close and direct "Do I have monkeys on my face?" She asked quietly "No" Jenna answered quickly , she's in her character y/n thought, this was common, it happened as well with her other clients well the ones who acted "then what is it?" Even her posture, when did the switch happen? "I have a question and I want you to answer sincerely " y/n nodded looking at her feet, she couldn't take the cold stare it was burning her "What happened with Camila?"
Now this caught her off guard, she didn't except for that kind of question
"Why do you wanna know?"
Y/n nodded feeling a bit intimidated clearing her throat
"I ...I'll try my best " Jenna nodded satisfied she knew this would work, it was bound to happen but later on, she will act like Wednesday at some point sometimes but right now all she wanted was to know why Camila said those things, it's all she could think of the way back home
"Let's say it was getting to personal and I didn't want to get hurt so I put me first"
So they had a thing
"What happened ?"
"I...are you friends with her? I don't want you to see her any different " that was a good question, were they friends ? "Mm not really? I guess we get along well  but I wouldn't say friends "
" She was seeing Shawn and me at the same time so I called everything off before it got more personal "
Wow wow wow whaaaaa? Camila cabello ????  Damn "Wait what? So you guys never dated ?" Y/n shook her head "No but we almost did, I found out through her phone one day, I was still her assistant you know? I had to keep doing my work but I'm glad it happened I prefer her so much more as friend "
Jenna felt a relief hearing those words, Camila wouldn't be able to snatch her away...why was she thinking this?
She stared at y/n, her face looked soft, she wasn't bad looking
"Please don't see me less professional after this " "don't worry it's fine I was just curious "

Jenna fell asleep on y/n's futon, as they were practicing for tomorrows scene good thing she could sleep in,  y/n looked at her, she was so small, y/n lifted her up carrying her to her room, she set her alarm and left her phone to charge, she even tucked her in, leaving the door a bit opened so a bit of light could get in, even though she knew Jenna wasn't scared of the dark but who knows ?
Jenna felt everything she did and it made her heart flutter .

Personal Assistantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें