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"Hehe" Anko chuckled softly, her light brown eyes flickering with surprise. 'Among 79 participants, for 25 to get this far. I said I'd cut them in half  but I was expecting single digits'

"So hungry" Choji couldn't contain his hunger and resorted to munching on his hand.

Shikamaru expressed his frustration with a grumble, twisting his lips in displeasure. "Still this many left? This sucks"

Ino's face lit up with joy as she exclaimed, "Sasuke-kun and Y/N-chan passed too!" Her faint blue eyes sparkled with delight.

Shikamaru nonchalantly stated, "This isn't a surprise, considering Sasuke and Y/N are on their team," before muttering his signature phrase, "What a drag."

Team 7 lined up with Naruto at the front, followed by Sasuke, Y/N, and Sakura.

On the other side, where the higher-ranked shinobi stood, Guy began talking about his ongoing rivalry with Kakashi. While Guy was taken aback by the fact that Kakashi's rookie team had passed, he didn't back down and instead boasted about how his own team was superior. Kakashi could only sigh, choosing to ignore him.

'So the main guys survived Uchiha Sasuke'  Neji's pupilless eyes falling on the girl creating an unspoken tension 'Shirazaki Y/N'

Dosu glanced at Team 7 from the corner of his eyes, an undivulged sensation crept. Was it because he was awaiting for something? Or was it fear?

'I will get you back for my arms and voice, Uchiha Sasuke, Shirazaki Y/N'  Zaku braced himself, equipped to slander the two.

Shingen briefly frowned as he glanced at Shirazaki. His stoic gaze then shifted forward, blankly.

"Hey Y/N chan, we meet again" Saija waved enthusiastically at the girl, Y/N grazed over her with a reluctant expression.

Enya scoffed, his emerald eyes glaring at Y/N. She noticed that it was the only reaction he displayed whenever they met. Did she unknowingly offend him?

The thought crossed her mind but was quickly dismissed. It didn't matter. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, Y/N was growing accustomed and comfortable with the people around her, and she herself didn't recognize the subtle changes within her. Deep down, she felt a sense of contentment. However, she questioned if this trivial feeling was enough, leaving others unattended. Would it truly be worthwhile?

She shook her head. She will never know until it has crossed the paths. Till then she will wait.

Hinata fidgeted nervously, her reddish-pale face reflecting her anxiety. 'Oh, good. Naruto-kun passed too' she thought softly.

Sakura scanned the gathered genin with surprise.'What's this? All the Konoha rookies are here,' she remarked, dazed by the realization.

Naruto, his energy radiating, grinned and pumped his fist in the air. "Wow, wow! Old man Hokage, Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, and even Super Brows are here. It's like everyone's assembled!"

Y/N, her orchid-toned eyes narrowing at the trio, felt a sense of foreboding. "I sense that something disadvantageous is going to happen," she pondered quietly.

Sasuke chuckled with a sardonic tone. "True. I can't say I have a good feeling about this," he remarked.

The Hokage smirked, a smoking pipe held between his lips, as he observed the jonin sensei. "For this many to make it, and most of them being rookies too," he thought to himself. "No wonder they all nominated them."

"Hokage-sama will now explain the third test," Anko announced, raising her chin confidently. "Listen carefully."

The eight remaining genin teams lined up attentively to receive the briefing on the final test. The Hokage went on to explain the true purpose behind different countries participating in the exams together. Finally, the Hokage introduced another proctor to take over the preliminaries. "Gekko Hayate," he declared.

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