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"Mother, Father" The hyacinth eyed heard a familiar voice. She spunned to see a small blurred illustration lamenting.

She strode and ceased recognizing a translucent image. But the resonance of clacking heels drove the figure to remain silent. She could discern the interpretation of a small child.

The girl stood astound as the child revealed herself. The same black hair and amethyst eyes.

"You, you are.." Y/N's lip pressed into a thin line. She was too shocked to react.

"Yes" The small child said slowly. But somehow the voice didn't contain the childish allure. It reflected a vitriolic look.

"The younger version of myself?" Y/N muttered seeing a smirk heighten on the child.

"You" Young Y/N looked in disdain "You are the reason for everything"

"Me?" She questioned as she sees the glassy tears running down young Y/N. Reason for what?

"Yes" She cried "It's because of you that I am all alone in this world"

"Everyone got killed because of you" She continued weeping "Even our clan got destroyed"

Y/N's eye widened muttering a quiet "No"

"You are the very reason for my suffering"

"You are the reason why you aren't strong enough"

Y/N could only cover her ears to stop it but still the voice penetrated deep inside, imprinting on her brain

As Y/N turned, the child's image started disappearing but what she didn't see was the eyes. The eyes similar to that of the snake ninja, golden eyes with slitted pupils, and her face morphing into an evil smirk


As Shikamaru's team is finally backed to a corner

"You guys are totally mistaken" Dosu stated, a smile growing on his visage "Our goals are not the stupid scrolls nor to safely complete this exam"

Shikamaru's team gapes in shock while Choji baffles "What?" 

Other than completing the exam what purpose would they have here.

"Heh, you are confused...." Zaku smirked, amused at their confusion swirling in the air


"It's Sasuke kun and Y/N san"

Shikamaru halts, confusion lacing in his narrow brown eyes

"Um, do you think we should help them?" Saija questions before shaking her head, answering to herself.

"I don't think that we are needed now" Shingen's cold voice seeped in, the attacks reverberating their surrounding.

"If any harm befalls Y/N chan then...."

"Huh? yeah you are right, that stupid girl is going to die anyway" Enya cuts off Saija but immediately regrets as he shivers seeing Shingen's glare

"One more word and I will make sure master make you sit out  of this mission"

Saija chuckled nervously, pulling Enya's ear "He was just joking, weren't you, Enya kun"

"No--" Seeing Saija's creepy smile he nodded nervously "I mean Yes"

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