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Naruto scanned the area briskly with one hand propped at his waist, his baby blue eyes looking around.

"It looks like a pretty creepy place" Sakura exclaimed, worry laced in her tone.

"Heheh" Anko laughed through the drowsy wind "You are about to find out firsthand why they call this the 'Forest of Death'!"

"YoU aRe aBoUt tO FiNd oUt fIrSt HaNd wHy ThEy cAlL tHiS tHe fOrEsT oF dEaTh" Naruto mocked the proctor, his face caricaturing funny gestures.

Y/N and Sasuke sweat dropped at his antics, Y/N couldn't help but find it amusing, the corner of her lips tugging upwards.

"Like that's gonna scare us. You're trying to pysch us out, and I'm not gonna fall for it!!" The blond pointed his fingers accusing the proctor.

"Oh really!? You're pretty cocky, huh?" Anko smiled in a dangerous way.

Before Y/N could blink, Anko had moved from her position and had reappeared behind Naruto, a kunai pressed against his cheek.

"Heh, your kind are always the first to go"

Y/N saw that Naruto's cheek was slashed, blood oozing from it as Anko licked it "Spilling all that rich red lovely luscious blood...."


Y/N glanced away, biting her lips her gaze wandering to where the kunai vanished.

To Y/N's surprise, Anko who sensed an incoming attack, her left hand adhering her kunai which blocked the same of the perpetrator.

Y/N stared at the scene and perceived it was the women who perched beside her during the preliminary exam 'Such Speed'

"I believe you dropped it" The women's long protruded tongue encircled around Anko's kunai, offering it "Your kunai knife"

"Gee thanks" Anko uttered, narrowing her gaze at that women, slashing, cutting some strands of her hair.

"Don't just stand behind me radiating blood lust, unless you are in a hurry to die" Anko smiled, two kunai's in her hand and one still holding onto Naruto who stood there stupidly.

"I'll try to keep it under control, but the sight of warm, fresh blood really makes me crazy and I was already revved up from losing a strand of my precious hair" The women pulled her tongue in, smiling creepily.

"... N-Naruto" Hinata mumbled in worry, fidgeting with her fingers.

'Who is that woman?' Y/N scrutinized, her velvety hair covering her amethyst eyes.

'We've got a real nut case proctoring this exam. Not good, not good at all ' Sakura anxiously gaped at the scene. 'And this other person'

"Sorry about that" Anko smirked, her hands unfolding from the blond.

'What's up with big, freakish tongue' Naruto thought, trying to mimic the action, poking his tongue.

"Looks like we have a hot blooded team on our hands this time out!" Anko grinned "Heh should be fun"

'You are the most blood thirsty' Naruto scrubbed his scratched cheek making it worse.

"Before we begin the exam, there is something I have to hand out" Anko announced, taking out a bunch of papers.

Y/N saw questioning gazes from the fellow genins

"They are consent forms, everybody has to sign" Anko calmly explained, her voice wearisome.

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