Chapter 8

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I got up super early and washed and dried Jacksons towel folding it while It was still warm straight from the drier into a bag as we were ready to leave.

I really wanted to explain to Ella why I left, it was the first time I have been without a phone for years and I almost felt lost without it, I had some money saved up and was about to renew my phone shortly anyway, although it didn't make what Eric did any better.

Not having my phone, I simply found her profile on Instagram while on my laptop earlier and sent her a quick message to say everything was ok and explain a little of what happened, it was still early though so she didn't respond, she was most likely still in bed.

Dad was true to his word, not a word was said to mom and he distracted her while i sneaked off to my room last night, he also gave me a lift to Jacksons without question, he did however linger on the driveway while I knocked on the door, Jackson answered, standing there in some loose jogging bottoms the waistband of his boxers riding slightly higher, his toned chest bare as he leant against the door frame "Sam" he said a surprise to his voice, his ears pointing sharply upwards

"I came to help clean up?" I say suddenly wondering if he forgot, Jackson eyes up my dad in the drive way and invites me in, only then does my dad drive off

his tail flicks from side to side as he walks forward, and my eyes seem fixated on the thin mix of black fur creating almost a line up to his naval 

"I didn't think you were serious" Jackson said pulling a rubbish sack back to the kitchen where it looked like he had already made a start on the cleaning, still, cups lay on the side and empty cans and bottles lay everywhere.

He pulls a vest from the side over his head, its like a gym vest with big loops for the arms, the blue almost matches his eyes and I catch myself staring at him "I washed you're towel, thanks for that" I say anxiously handing the bag over

"its ok leave it there, did everything go ok with your dad last night, I hope I didn't cause anything?" he asked

"he's just protective that's all" I defend him, "yeah I saw that last night" Jackson laughs a little throwing another group of cups into the rubbish sack, "you don't have to help you know?" he says

"I'm here now" i say grabbing a new sack and i started clearing the side down.

"thanks, you're the only one who offered" Jackson smiled "at least I'm only 18 once right, my advice is don't have a party"

"don't worry I wont, its not really my thing anyway"

"Oh really? Me neither" Jackson admits "especially the cleaning up part, I mean who eats half a sandwich and shoves the other half in a cup full of beer!"

"maybe it's a belated birthday gift" I say

"yeah maybe" he laughs

"was it a good party though, in the end?" I ask hoping he at least had a good time after all these people made a mess of his house.

"if anyone else asked me, I'd probably say yes, and I'm sure everyone will be talking about it Monday, but in truth, I don't know, it fells like I didn't have a party, I was just some caretaker trying to make sure people didn't break shit, and now I'm spending Saturday cleaning up"

Jackson seems pretty annoyed and he prods the remnants of a cake left on the side, "I didn't even get any cake, like everyone just ate it after I spent hours making it, I don't know maybe I'm hungover and grouchy but do my friends even know me?" he pouts scraping the crumbs left on the plate into the bin "sorry I don't even know why I'm telling you that" he sulks

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now