Chapter 3

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The group splits up as we head to our separate classes, Josh leads the way to the sports hall and pushes me towards a little office near the entrance, a young guy not that much older than ourselves stands behind the desk, his attention focused on his lap, probably on his phone, at least I hoped he was on his phone.

Josh cleared his throat as the guy finally looks up, "He's a new student so he will need a sports kit".

The guy has scruffy short brown hair and looked annoyed he was being disturbed from whatever he was doing on his phone, still clutching it tightly in his right hand while he stands to lean over a computer screen.

"name" he beckons without looking at me, "Sam Cooper" I say taking a step forward.

"huh" he says more like grunt and clicks some of the keys on the keyboard, he spins around and takes a clear plastic bag from the shelf behind him along with a form from the printer which was printing out.

"Got to sign here to say you've received it, I've given you a small size, but if it doesn't fit come back to exchange it before you have sports, I cant change it afterwards and if you lose it you have to pay for the next one ok"

His voice is monotone like he's reading from a script, I sign the paper and take the bag off the desk, I can see inside there is a blue t-shirt and some white shorts both with the school's logo on them, "he clearly loves his job", I say quietly spinning to turn back to Josh & Ella.

"Are we playing football?" I smile reviewing the kit in the bag which certainly looked like the schools football kit

"yeah schools mad about it remember, so we all have to play even us girls" Ella sighs in frustration but my smile only gets bigger, "I like football" I say grinning

"the dork is secretly a jock, I mean you have jock vibes I guess" Ella nudges me

"I used to play is all" I nod

We make our way down the hallway towards the changing rooms, Josh and I head through to the boys while Ella continues onwards.

The boys changing room was petty much the worst place I could be, being gay it was often the place where the other guys would make their thoughts on me being gay well known, like it was a disease they could catch, and that I should be banned from all boy changing rooms and toilets, and 'go change with the girls' instead.

It was the source of many taunts back in Brookdale, its where Kevin would stand at the entrance and tell me I had to go change somewhere else, that I wasn't allowed to shower in there, I would often wait until the guys had finished and shower afterwards, this meant I was late for class and then it would lead to a detention.

Its why I hated sports, not so much the sport itself, just all the shit that came with it because im gay.

"whats wrong" Josh asked as if he could read my mind, "nothing" I lie shaking my head, I head to a free locker while other students busy themselves getting changed, tearing open the new sports kit bag I strip to my boxers and fling my clothes into the locker.

I pull on the shorts and t-shirt which are a good fit, and then put my trainers back on, I had gotten getting changed down to seconds, it was what I was used to, and how I survived at my last school, now I was left awkwardly standing waiting for josh to do the same.

And it wasn't because I was scared being around other half naked guys, it didn't effect me, it wasn't sexual, we were just getting changed, but I was scared people would think that, they would then make me change outside and I'd be back at Brookdale all over again.

Sometimes I would have to get changed outside on the sports field before the other guys would come out, it was the only way to avoid Kevin, that was until I was dropped from the football team of course.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora