Chapter 7

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Dad had insisted on leaving the house at 7:45 meaning we would arrive at Jacksons dead on 8, because that's what time i told him it started.

I tried to explain the subtleties of being cool and arriving later but that just seemed to wash straight over his head.

Thankfully I had the foresight of this, in truth Ella had told me it started at 7:30 and we planned on getting there for 8 anyway, I just didn't want to be the first there, I needed to meet Ella in the driveway, that was the plan anyway.

there was no way i wanted to turn up on my own not knowing anyone, at least if i could meet Ella first, or maybe see Josh it would make it easier.

I held in my hand a single cupcake, my mom had found me a little box to put it in, and I bought the card along with it, my palms were sweaty overthinking it, I still wasn't sure if it were the right thing to do and was torn about leaving it in the car or not.

I looked out the window nervously, not really knowing what to expect, what kind of house would Jackson live in, and who in their right mind would let their kids have a party at their house? I know my mom and dad would balk at the idea.

We drove by increasingly larger houses, each seemingly set further and further back from the road, some almost hidden from view behind large trees and hedgerows, then it was clear we were there, numerous cars were parked up outside, a winding driveway led up the hill to an impressive glass and steel modern house

People stood outside chatting in little groups as my dad pulled up in a small turning point on the drive, "you sure you're going to be, ok?" he asked a little concern to his voice which was rare to hear

"yeah, ill be fine dad"

"You don't usually do parties like this, I know you better than you think, and when you said party, this wasn't really what I pictured to be honest".

I paused for a moment in the silence, he is right, I can't think of anything worse, my heartbeat increased and I felt sick to the stomach but this was about fitting it, this was about being part of the crowd.

"I just want to fit in dad" I say as I spy Ella walking up the driveway, "hey I got to go, Ella is there" I wave out the window at her and she comes over.

"call me at anytime, and ill pick you up" dad says as I shoo him off, he seems to get the hint about me trying to be cool and lets me go, driving off in the car without too much fuss.

"oh my gosh, you're so adorable"

"what?" I raise an eyebrow, I was trying to be cool and casual, wearing my jeans and a white vans tee, I looked around and it looked as though I'd made the right call judging on what everyone else was wearing, although Ella was making me question that right now as I looked down at my jeans and white trainers.

"the gift and the card you dork" She says pointing to them

"oh, it felt wrong not to bring anything, its probably lame right?"

"well I'd appreciate it, not so sure about the jocks though" she laughs, "we'll leave it on the side, that way he can just open it later"

i knew it would be stupid bringing it, at least i could just shove it one the side out of sight. 

"this house is amazing" I say as we approach the front door, either side of it is glass and you could see straight in, it was wide open so we just made our way inside, the kitchen was the first place we headed towards, it was open plan but full of so many people it was hard to look beyond them, an area which was the dining room has been turned into a makeshift dancefloor and there was a dj set up in the corner with his own desk, the music was loud but not too overbearing.

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