Chapter 6

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It was Friday, today I had gotten up before my sister and claimed the bathroom promptly on time, my big curly hair had somewhat hidden the remnants of the bruise on my head, and without another sports lesson I had managed to mostly avoid Eric for the entire week.

Apart from the first 15 minutes everyday in tutor that was, and today was no different, thanks to Eric the whole school knew I was gay, word spread like wildfire, most of the students had got the silly names out their system after realising I didn't rise to it, honestly the first week was pretty brutal, although yesterday was a glimmer of hope when I was only taunted for being gay 14 times, it was a new lowest record.

Today was music, and I'd bought my Violin, of course that would get a reaction from Eric wouldn't it, "here's Samantha with his gay violin".

"Whatever asshole" I say sitting down.

"I thought gays only played the trombone anyway, you know tromboning and all that" he laughs getting a high five from Jones who sits next to him.

Jones was Eric's accomplice, they were almost joined at the hip and both took great delight in coming up with new names to call me, most were related to being gay or usually focused around sucking dicks, they weren't particularly inventive either.

"You're such a dick Eric" I say facing away from him to Ella, but he nudges my arm with his own, "you playing football again Monday?" he says some sarcasm to his voice, "I hope so, it's a dangerous game to play... accidents happen all the time" he waves a paw in the air a sinister smile creeping up his maw.

"I so hope you join the team too, because we play Wednesday nights, imagine that, football twice in one week" he laughs

"Eric, coach might put up with your nonsense, I wont, principles office now" Mrs Keller points to the door and I wonder if Mrs Keller sending him to see the principle is partly following my moms call in, I hope not, because I knew it would just make things worse, but it did seam odd, there was no way she could have heard what Eric said.

Eric gets up in silence, but his eyes watch me, they follow me right until he leaves the room, "he's going to be there tonight, isn't he, at Jacksons?" I ask Ella.

"Sam I have ears like a hawk, when I ask for silence, it means exactly that" Mrs Keller continues with her register and hands out some forms for an upcoming trip to the science museum, its just a permission slip along with a request for a donation towards the entrance fee.

I fold it up and shove it into my bag, making a mental note to hand it to my parents later when the bell goes and denotes our first lesson.

I'd told Ella I perhaps shouldn't go tonight but she was having none of it, I hadn't really thought about what I would tell my parents either about no longer going, I would end up getting the Spanish inquisition on why, and what was going on.

Ella re-assured me we would be able to avoid Eric tonight, I didn't really have a choice now, especially as my dad had already agreed to drive me and pick me up, if my parents got wind of trouble, well everything would just get worse, I was sort of fitting in, even if it were in my own strange way.

I had quickly become friends with Ella and Josh, and I was now speaking more and more with Shannon during lunches, Kelly came and went and was the only one in the group I knew the least about, but I didn't mind that.

And despite what Kelly had said about not getting Jackson a gift, it still felt wrong, I was bought up to come to a party with at least something, so I had spent last night making a single cupcake, I didn't know a person on earth that didn't like cake so I was sure it would be acceptable.

High School Fur - A gay furry coming of age storyWhere stories live. Discover now