Ice cream

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Edith was skipping down the hall, buttercup tucked in her arm.
Cecily had dressed her in summer dress and sun hat. She had socks on but no shoes.

"Edith, come back here!" Xavier yelled running behind her with her tennis shoes in hand.

"Oh, hush old man," Cecily rolled her eyes calmly walking behind them.

Edith stopped turned to him with a smile.

Xavier recognize that look, it was the one Edith had when she was up to no good.

Edith dashed towards him, like bull, head straight for him.

"Edith," Xavier said, "EDITH!" He yelled worried, he extended his arms out to stop her.

Xavier closed his eyes seeing she wasn't stopping, expecting to be trampled, but he was surprised when he felt nothing. He opened his eyes seeing Edith stood inches away from his face with a smile.

He smiled back, that's when Edith licked his face. And sprinted away out the door and into the car.

He was left in shock.

Cecily patted his shoulder, "she does that."

"Just because she doesn't want to put on shoes." Xavier laughed, shaking his head. Getting back up.

They walked to the car.

"She uses the element of surprise." Cecily said grabbing the shoes from Xavier

She sat down beside Edith who was swinging her feet as she wait in her car seat.

"Come on let's go!" Edith said.

"Foot," Cecily said Edith groaned passing her foot. "Other foot." Cecily put both shoes on kissed her cheek.

"Okay let's go!" Edith pleaded.

The door opened beside Edith making her flinch.
Xavier had come to sit beside her.

"I'm just going to put your seatbelt on," He softly said.

Edith open her eyes relaxing.

Gently he buckled the straps between her legs.  And shoulders.

"Now we can go get your cast off," he smiled leaving a kiss on her temple.

The previous bubbly Edith was quiet, curled in Cecily's lap in the doctors office. Her eyes wide open, as the doctor showed her the small saw they would use to take the cast off.

"I think I'll keep the cast," Edith said.

"What?" Cecily asked.

"Yeah, we are becoming great friends. So doc you can put the torture machine away. Great seeing you bye!"

She jumped off Cecily's lap but Cecily caught her before hand.

"Dang it," Edith glared at Cecily.

"You're a funny one aren't ya," the Doctor laughed. "It won't hurt I promise."

Edith grimaced at the doctor. "You could cut me with that. I had to cover a case once because a doc did that. "

The doctors looked at her wide eyed but quickly went back to smiling "I won't, I'm very experienced. I would bet your mommy would have me dead if that happen."

"Pinky promise you won't cut me?" Edith asked. Sticking her pinky out.

The doc wrapped theirs around hers, "promise!"

"Good cause I have a witness." Edith pouted.

Making the Doctor and Cecily laugh.

"Now mommy why don't you hold on to Edith, in a big hug." The doc said.

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