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Cecily grabbed the stroller and headed down to the car, surprised to find Lana waiting against the car.

"There you are," Lana beamed at seeing Cecily walk down. "Xavier told me we were going and that I better come?" She asked still confused about their excursion to mall as Cecily never liked shopping. Even as she tried to drag her out before.

"We need to go find Edith's friend a present," Cecily set the blue stroller down by the car.

"Ah, I see. And what's that?" Lana asked pointing to the folded stroller.

"It's a stroller...I thought if Edith gets tired," Cecily said,making Lana smile, "mind helping me open the trunk?"

Lana nodded and opened the trunk, putting the stroller in and taking the diaper bag from Cecily "I'll sit with Edith." Lana said sitting down at the back with Edith.  Cecily sat at the front with Xavier who was already sitting in the cars driver seat. Edith strapped into her car seat distracted by a movie that was playing in her tablet.


The mall was like a nether world to Edith, colourful lights on the ceiling stores filled with colourful clothes, furniture, some even toys or stuffies.

Xavier was carrying her on his hip, after Edith clung to him like monkey not wanting to be let go in an unfamiliar place. Cecily and Lana following behind with the stroller Edith hadn't noticed.

Looking around Edith saw there was littles a bit bigger than her walking around with their caregivers or playing in play sets around the mall.

People bowed their head as they passed by making Edith hide further into Xavier, which made her too distracted that she squealed when being set down on her feet.

"Where here tiny," Xavier said, giving her an assuring smile.

"Oh," Edith said, turning around to see where they were to get Miles present. Her eyes grew wide seeing the colourful store, it seemed straight out of a dream for the train that circled the stores ceiling, the life size teddy bears, and the rows of colourful books. She had to hold herself back from running to the rows of books remembering she was here to get a present for Miles.

"Cupcake, what do you think Miles would like?"
Cecily asked seeing her frozen on the spot.

"He likes fashion and painting," Edith said dazed at the inside of the store.

"How about a painting kit?" Lana suggested.

Edith turned and smiled, "yeah he would like that!"

Lana held her hand out, "well I know exactly where to go." Lana swept Edith away to the art section.
Finding the isle filled with canvases and colouring books, Edith's eyes fell on a blue case with a teddy bear.

"Lana what is that?" She asked pointing at it.

Lana picked it up and squatted down beside Edith, "looks like to be a painters set, it has acrylics, watercolours, pencil crayons- ah look at that even a painting bib with the teddy bear! And it has a sketch book and water colour paper."

"That's perfect!" Edith bounced on her heals, "you think he'll like it?" Edith stopped a bit worried.

"I'm sure he will love anything you give him." Lana stood up with the gift, "let's go find the other two."

Right than Xavier walked by with a car full of toys and books. Edith rushed over seeing the books she looked through the cart, "books, what for?"

"For you silly," he said picking her up and setting her inside the carts seat.

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