Maximilion Birds Castle

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"You know the allowance we give you littles is to buy toys or clothes not to reconstruct a personal library."
Cecily teased as she helped carry a box of books to Edith's room in the castle.

"I have enough toys," Edith said hugging Buttercup and here Dino Bambi, her only two toys.

"Edith you have two stuffiest, one blanket, and one colouring book left." Cecily reasoned.

"Exactly enough for me, buttercup and Bambi get along fine."

"I tried to convince her, but the little baby is stubborn." Margie said putting another box of books down by the door Cecily stopped at.

They had packet all of Edith's belongings and headed to the Maxilion Bird castle, the home of the queen and parliament.

As per protocol Margie had come help settle Edith in her new home.

Edith looked at Cecily confused as to why they had stopped.

"This is your room cupcake, you can open it." Cecily said smiling.

Edith reached on her tippy toes and turned the handle, her gaze fell first on the empty bookshelf by the windows, a nugget couch in the center of the room underneath it a fluffy carpet.

Edith walked in slowly noticing the basket of blankets beside the couch, she ran her hands feeing how soft they where.

One in particular made a crunching noise, Edith pulled it out, it was a play blanket. Her little side slipped right in getting distracted by the different textures of the blanket.

Cecily put the box of books beside the book shelf and sat beside Edith on the nugget couch. "I take it you like the blanket."

"Yeah," Edith said distracted.

Margie picked her up tickling her sides, "Earth to Edith we have more to see."

Edith laughed, "oh, right."

"Good now explore!" Margie said putting her down.

Edith made her way to the other side of the room by the door finding a colouring table with a shelf with anything you'd ever need for crafting.

"Thank you," Cecily whispered to Margie.

"That's what I'm here for, you'll get to know her habits soon enough." Margie winked.

Edith turned around and froze seeing there was another room. Her jaw dropped.

A big queen size bed was placed sideways against the wall it had a cushion headboard on the back that rounded to a drop on the sides. Not only that but by the window was tent filled with pillows bigger than the one she had at the academy.

Edith jumped in to the tent being drowned by the pillows.

Cecily crawled inside and was able to sit comfortably with Edith.

Edith jumped on her, "thank, thank you!"

"I take it you liked it,"

"Like it? I love it!"

"Look at this," Cecily said pressing a button, the fairy lights came on.

Edith laid back in trance by the changing colours.

"Come on there's on last thing," Cecily lifted them out of the tent, "bathroom and closet." Cecily pointed at the two doors.

She walked to the left door, into the closet filled with colourful clothes.

"Holly cheese, I've never seen so many clothes." Edith said wide eyed.

"That's not the best part. Look down there," Cecily pointed at the bottom of the closet.

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