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"I want to say bye to my friends."

"I'm sorry for not letting you say goodbye to them but people can't know I'm here and my security team is stubborn."

"So can I?"

"I'm sorry Edith—"

Edith got up, "lovely meeting you!" She walked calmly to the door.

Cecily scrambled beside her, "Wait your not seriously just gonna walk out."

"I told you I'm stubborn," Edith nodded her head, " there's only one thing I want in the world right now. And that is to say bye to my friends, they'll be gone tomorrow. I want to say goodbye."

Cecily grabbed her hands and looked panicked into her eyes, that Edith would walk out and leave her. "I promise you, you can see them again later."

"It's not the same, I can't leave without saying goodbye." Edith's eyes filled with tears but she gulped holding them back.

"I'm really sorry Edith,"

Edith pulled back slowly, "than thank you for meeting me, and the gift. But if I can't say bye to my friends than this our goodbye." Edith bowed, her voice breaking, she turned around walked away.

The queen grabbed her hand and pulled her back, "you can say bye to your friends! I'll figure out. I am the queen after all." Cecily said the last part to her self.

"For real life?" Edith asked making sure she heard her right.

"Yes, I will make sure you say bye to your friends." Cecily smiled in relief.

"Thank you, thank you!" Edith tackled her in hug, making Cecily's heart burst.

The small body that clung on to her for dear life, made butterflies flutter in her heart, a warmth safe feeling took over her, making her hold on tight to Edith. She picked her up feeling how she weight on her arms, as if she was meant to be there forever.

Softly running her hands over Edith's hair she couldn't help but smile. "So that means you give me a chance this weekend?"

Edith looked up at her, a big smile on her face. "Yes!"

"Why don't you show me that tent of yours I'm very curious about it." Cecily said.

Edith wiggled wanting to get down, "well you got to put me down so I can show you!"

The excitement made Edith slowly start to fall into her head space.

Cecily reluctantly put her down and Edith grabbed on to her hand. Dragging her out the door.

The guards of the queen waiting at the door parted as Edith rushed passed them and they followed behind as she bee lined to her room.

"Down there is Francois tailor room, he made my dress and the cafeteria," Edith said on the stairs pointing down.

Going up to the third floor, she pointed out the room at the start, "that's Jess's room!" She walked to her room and pointed at the other end of the hallway, " at the end is Miles, and this is our room."

Edith pulled Cecily into the living room and to the big tent by Edith size and small tent in Titan size.

"Can you hold Buttercup?" Edith asked lifting the bunny up for Cecily.

"I would love to," Cecily carefully grabbed the bunny. It smelled of baby powder and sugar, making Cecily's heart melt.

Edith crawled into the tent.

Crouching down Cecily looked inside the tent, she smiled seeing the pile of childrens books beside old classics. There were a piles of books in each end.

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