Stars and planets

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"She looks so peaceful" Lana cooed
"She does," Cecily agreed seeing Edith's pacifier bobbing up and down in calm matter as she held her in her arms. Edith was resting her head on her shoulder.

Xavier had gone ahead with a car filled with their stuff back to the castle while Lana and Cecily went in the other car, not in a rush.

Cecily had a worried looked on her face, seeing the casted arm on Edith. It reminded her of everything that had gone down the last few weeks. Now it was only a matter of time of finding out who the person that hurt Edith was and make them pay.

Entering Ediths room Xavier was in the bookshelf filling it with new books. The brand new toys opened and ready for Edith's disposal.

Lana spotted the telescope "I'm gonna help Xavier." She rushed over opening the box.

Cecily chuckled, seeing them open the boxes like kids on Christmas, they looked more excited about the toys than Edith. Cecily headed for the rocking chair, she hummed as she patted Edith's bottom.

After a good hour Edith started to stir, her doe eyes looking up at Cecily with a gloss.

"Is it morning," she yawned, her pacifier falling to hang by its clip.

"It's night." Cecily said

"I wanted morning for pancakes." Edith grumbled.

"Not yet baby," Cecily patted her bottom,

"Not baby," Edith whined pushing her hands away from her bottom.

Cecily hummed as she picked Edith up, took her to the closet and laid her down on the changing table. Cecily looked around for a onesie for Edith.

Edith sat up but Cecily pushed her back down, "uh hu, down."

"You ignore me," Edith pouted.

"I'm not. You said you aren't a baby, but you're my baby and my baby needs a nappy change." Cecily booped her nose.

Cecily pulled off her clothes and untapped her diaper swiftly, replacing it with a new layer of cream, baby powder, and a fresh night diaper.

Edith furrowed her eyebrows as Cecily pulled the nappy up, "feels funny."

"Well that's because it's a new diaper," Cecily said.

The diaper was in fact thicker for nighttime adding more padding between Edith's legs. It was decorated with little starts that would fade once it was used.

Cecily put Edith in a flowered footed onesie, along with one of Cecily's hoodies that went down to Edith's knees. Cecily sat Edith on the ground.

Edith wiggled a bit getting adjusted to the new nappy. It forced her legs a part a bit more than usual. Making a blush spread on her cheeks, she looked at Cecily with watery eyes.

"Ceci they feel funny,"

Cecily cooed at her baby's face, "cause they are for bedtime and they hold more and keep you nice and clean." She picked her up patting her bottom, making Edith wiggle as she took them out to the lounge in Edith's room where Xavier and Lana where with the telescope.

"See right there!" Lana exclaimed. As she passed him the end of the telescope.

"No way-" Xavier looked, "it is the moon!"

He spotted Edith, "pass me the child."

Cecily rolled her eyes setting Edith on his lap.

"Look at this!" Xavier guided Edith to look.

"Wow," Edith could see the dents and light that was shinning from the sun onto the moon. It was like nothing she had ever seen not even in pictures of the moon, "it's... it's beautiful."

Edith stared at the moon forgetting about the extra cushioning between her legs and even the pain from her casted arm, a wave of relief washed over her seeing the moon.
She had forgotten how she stared at the moon, finding it a companion when she was alone during the night at her house. But looking around the room she saw the smiling faces of people who care about her. They genuinely wanted her, the cared for her... they loved her.

"Lana, can I see the stars?" Edith asked her eyes shining with a happiness they hadn't seen a while.

Lana sat in front of Edith, "cupcake I will show you the whole galaxy!"

"Show her we come from," Cecily smiled looking at Edith as if she was the moon. A rose of happiness blooming in her heart by seeing Edith smile.

"Brilliant!" Lana grabbed the telescope, she moved it around until she landed on their planet of Soteria, "look here Edith."

Edith wobbled over to Lana struggling a bit with the extra patting.

As she leaned to look, she saw hues of purple and yellow dancing together, "is that where you're from?" Edith asked glued to the telescope.

"Yes," Lana said proudly, "now let me show you Astreous our neighbor." Lana grabbed Edith and sat her on her lap as she looked around finding the next star.

Cecily and Xavier watched as Edith awed and asked about all the planets and stars. Lana nurturing her with all the answers she could provide.

Soon Edith's questions turned into yawns.

"Tiny bottle time," Xavier exclaimed shaking the bottle and picking Edith up. "Now what book should we read tonight?"

He brought her to the bookshelf, she spotted a book with a cat, "cat, please."

Xavier picked it up, "Atticus caticus it is!"

He laid Edith down on the bed with Buttercup, passing Cecily the bottles. Cecily cradled Edith feeding her the bottle. On one side layed Lana and Xavier on the other.
"Ready?" He asked Edith who nodded leaning into him to see the book better.

Xavier couldn't help but smile gently at the little "Atticus Caticus..."

Super short but a small treat.
Love beans 💕

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