Paint class

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Seated with Easels and finger paint, The littles where having their art class.
Which consisted of them painting whatever their hearts desired, not like most of them grasped the context or theme after slipping.

Edith was settling in smoothly in the academy, most days spend with Miles and auntie Margie. Edith kept slipping more frequently, she was more than happy as she hadn't had accidents during the day but only at night.

Giddy painting a tree, with a creek like her old house. Edith smiled at her work.

She remembered the way the cool breeze brushed her hair and going swimming in the summer. After hard days at the office she would sit throwing rocks at water.

"Done," she told Miles.

Miles leaned over, "wow, peety."

Edith saw the teddy bear on Miles canvas, "I like your bear."

"Thank you," Miles bounced in his seat. Suddenly his face contorted into one Edith had come to know.

Miles had gotten an idea, so far it only lead them into trouble once, when he thought bringing ladybugs to the classroom so they could stay warm. Neither of them had thought the plan through in their head spaces. Or the fact that Mrs. Sunshine is terrified of ladybugs.

"What is it Miles," she giggled.

Miles dipped his thumb into the red paint and made a small heart at the edge of her painting.

Edith smiled and did the same thing to Miles painting.

"Now they have the best friend touch!" Miles squeaked.

"Best friend? We are best friends."

"Duh, silly. Your my best friend."

"I've never had a best friend," Edith said to herself.

Mrs. Sunshine had called them to wash their hands and brushes.  Making everyone scramble to the sink, including Miles whom Edith pulled back.

"Wait until they are done, patience Silly." She stuck her tongue out giggling.

"That's what Luke always says," Miles rolled his eyes pouting.

"And for a good reason, don't you remember when you put your shoes on backwards cause you were rushing."

"Don't remind me," he cringed, "wait! Did you hear!"

Edith saw the sinks clearing up and tugged Miles along. "Hear what?"

"The next adoption is coming up in a week!"

"Oh, it is."  She didn't notice as the corner of shirts collar made its way into her mouth and she start it to chew it.

Edith had heard about it but she didn't want to think about it.

For once in her life she felt happy, she didn't have to worry about paying bills, taking care of her family, cleaning the house, piles and piles of paper work. Even trying to find food.

She actually got to enjoy her life, she played with Miles during recess and got to be goofy. At night she pend time with Auntie Margie reading books and colouring.

Margie had become the first person she was comfortable cuddling with without warning. If she was sad she could tell her and would give her a warm bottle.

She had started to gain weight for once and Francois brought her a few extra items to play dress up with for her gain.

"I don't want to leave yet," Edith said honestly. Passing Miles the soap.

"Me too, I'll miss you too much." Miles frowned slipping out of headspace.

Edith and Miles hugged each other tightly, "will always be there for each other, we can find a way." Edith assured him.

"You two fools shouldn't be sad," Emma cackled making them pull a part.

Her and her gang of Jason, and Isabelle right behind her.

"Pathetic baby's look that one is even chewing on her shirt," Jason scoffed. Making Edith pull the collar out of her mouth.

"It's not like anyone would adopt you," Emma laughed, "You can't even get the Immortal shot, and you certainly aren't pretty enough to be selected."

Emma grabbed Edith's hair with her hand full of paint. "I mean look at this hair, are you punk or a whore, Edith?"

"What person has white hair but a grandma," Jason added.

Jess stood to the side hating seeing everything unfold.

"Recess, tiny's" Mrs sunshine called out.

Edith pulled her hair out of Emma's hands, ignoring her.

Miles helping her get rid of the paint.

"Is it all gone?" Edith asked drying her hair with a paper towel.

Miles nodded, "I think so. Come on we don't want to miss recess!"

They both dashed out to the playground, finding the swings empty the opted for seeing who could go the highest.

Pumping their feet trying to get higher and higher.

They stopped seeing Emma and her goons pushing people off the slide.

"Why is she so mean?" Edith asked.

Miles kicked at the sand "Cause she can get that stupid Immortal shot, she thinks she's better than everyone it's why Jess and Jason hang out with her.  They are the only other ones."

"No they aren't," Edith mumbled.

"Your saying!"

"Yes, now hush and let's see if who can reach the top quicker."

As the where about to swing again Miles suddenly stopped with yelp, Edith tried to clamp her feet into the sand to stop.

Jason had grabbed on to the swings rope and stopped Miles. And was trying to get him off.

"I was here first," Miles said determined.

Jason gave him a disgusted look, " and?"

"Well either you can get off or I can make you," Jason threaten.

"Your not playing nice," Miles said.

Emma rolled her eyes, "ugh, just get of you pathetic baby."

"No," Miles said again. Edith had gotten closer having manage to jump of the swing her legs to short to stop it quick enough.

Jason picked up Miles by the collar, "what you say to me."

He raised his fist and aimed for Miles stomach, Edith ran and blocked it taking the hit herself.

The playground fell silent.

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