Chapter 18

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Prussia's POV

"Birdie, I'm not joking!" Birdie didn't believe me, and I was going to change that.

"Gil, why would you be so serious about that?" He grabbed his book to start reading.

"Birdie, I call you cute all zhe time because it's true!" He looked up from the book, shock spread across his face.

"I-i thought you were just kidding..." His face started to turn pink, and he hid hid face in the book.

"Birdie, look at me."





"Nuuuu! I don't wannaaaa!" He grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself. "You can't get me!"

"Ugh! Birdie look at me right now or I'm gonna invade your personal space!" He peeked out of the blanket, but quickly threw it backover his head.

"I'm not gonna."

"Vell zhen, here ve go!" I climbed on top of him and ripped the blanket away. He covered his face so he wouldn't have to look at me.

"C'mon, Birdie! Just look at me!"

"No!" Was muffled out through his hands. I sighed and made the decision to teach Birdie a lesson.

I started to tickle him.

It was hilarious. He kept squeeling and trying to hit me. But I kept going.

"G-gil! St....stop! *intense giggling* Please, s-stop!"

"Zhen look at me!"

"O-okay! Just stop!" I did as he asked and he looked at me. He was looking at me with the cutest angry face. His hair was all messy and his face was red. He was truly adorable.

"Mein gott I could just kiss you!"

(╭☞'ิ∀'ิ)╭☞ (╭☞'ิ∀'ิ)╭☞

Ok thats that chappy.
It was a fluffer chapter
And to those who say matt and gil cant have a baby..... MAGIC ☆彡
I love u guys and i hope u love me too.
If not me, then my book at least
Byeee! ☆彡
~Law (ฅ•.•ฅ)

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now