Chapter 7

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Canada's POV

I didn't mean to snap at Gil. But then again, I was probably so quiet that he was laughing on the inside. I'm so embarrassed. I feel terrible, I wish I could just tell him how I feel.

But I decided to hide my feelings. And look at Gil as a friend. Nothing more.

As we arrived at the meeting, Alfie appeared.

"Yo, Canada, bro! I heard you're helping Prussia out! That's so something you would do!" His face was covered by his usual smile, and he was as loud as ever. Gil just stood there looking uncomfortable.

"Y-yeah, whatever..." I mumbled quietly. I walked over to Papa France and sat down. I guess he noticed something was bothering me becasue he quickly changed his face to a worried expression.

"Oh, mon petite Matthieu! What is zhe problem mon cher?!"

I shook my head and hugged Kuma (kuma hasn't gotten much love in this book T^T XD ). I didn't want to talk about it. Especially since Papa France and Prussia were friends.

Gil sat next to me and tried to talk to me, but I ignored him.

I didn't mean to act like a jerk... I was just questioning my sexuality...

The meeting started like usual with Germany yelling at us to shut up and America talking really loud while shoving burgers in his face. I was so engulfed in thinking, the meeting ended quicker than I realized. I stood up and started for the door. Just when I was about to open the door, I felt a pair of hands spin me around.

I twisted around to see Gil's crimson eyes all bright, and his white smile bigger than ever.

"Hey, Canada, vanna hang out vith us? Ve're going to a café zhat has pancakes!" I looked behind him to see who "us" was. I saw Papa France, Spain, a pissed off Romano, Germany, Italy, England, and America. Even though I liked hanging out with them, I just didn't feel like it.

"No it's okay. Thanks for the offer, but I'm not really up for it. You go ahead. I'll see you later." I turned around and headed out the door.

When I got to the car, Gil stopped me again, this time with a worried expression on his face. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. I started to feel uncomfortable, and I looked away.

"Birdie... Is it vhat I said on the vay here?"


"There's something bothering you. Is it vhat I said on the vay here?" His grip tightened, but it didn't hurt.

"N-no. There is something on my mind... b-but it has nothing to do with you... " I lied.

"Oh, okay..." he sounded disappointed. "Vell the others are vaiting so... I'll be on my vay. See ya." He walked away. I couldn't help but feel like I should've ran after him, but I resisted the urge, and climbed into my car. I fired the ignition and started for home.

Prussia's POV

I put on my best smile and valked inside to zhe others.

"Alright amigo, where is this 'café' you speak of?" Spain vas smiling and dancing around like vell... a Spaniard (not being racist....or well maybe...its hetalia, and hetalia racist, so i have an excuse).

"Just a few miles down zhe road. Ve'll be zhere soon if ve hurry up." Ve began to valk out the door when Francis stopped.

"Is Matthieu not joining us?"

"Uhh, no... He's not feeling so vell. So he just vent home rest."


Ve all got into zhe car and drove off.

(*◑З◑)爻(◐ω◐*) (*◑З◑)爻(◐ω◐*)

Okeh yeah, thats all i can manage. Its longer than the last chapter, so yeaaaaaahh.... enjoy. Im really tired and idk why. So i guess i'll try to update tomorrow, idk if i'll be able to. Bye

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