Chapter 15

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Canada's POV

It was getting close to Halloween, and Gil wouldn't stop scaring me. At first he would make 'oooooooo's and weird howling noises at night. I'd gotten used to that. So then he started telling scary stories whenever he had the chance. They freaked me out a bit, but I ended up tuning him out. BUT THEN! He started popping up out of nowhere and screaming at me. He'd get me every time. I'd try to yell at him but he'd just laugh and say how priceless my face was.

"Hey Birdie!" I heard Gil's voice from behind me.

"I swear to the maple gods, Gil, if you have a gruesome mask on I'm gonna smack you with this spatula!" I held up the hot spatula I was using to flip the pancakes and flailed it around.

"Never mind zhen..." I laughed at the fact that he actually had a gruesome mask on.

When I finished the pancakes I set a plate for Gil on the counter. He ran into the kitchen and started eating. I was making my way to the living room when "You're not eating?" I turned around.

"Nah I'm good. Eat as much as you'd like. Heck, eat all of it."

"You don't vant any? I'll save some for you, und you can-"

"Gil, really. Don't worry aboot it." I gave him a smile and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and started reading one of my favorite books; The DaVinci Code. (Good book if you've never heard of it)

Prussia's POV

After I finished eating I washed the dishes and went to the living room.

Upon entering, I saw Birdie curled up in a blanket on the couch. His head was tilted and he had a book in his hands.

Aww he fell asleep. Should I vake him up?

I decided to just sit on the couch and quietly watch the news. When I turned to the news, a severe weather alert popped up. I decided to change it to the weather channel to see what was up.

The forcast showed a week of.... SNOW?!

"Mein gott!"


Mattie stirred in his sleep and sat up. His hair was messy from the blanket, and he looked soooooo cute.

"Did I... fall asleep?"

"Ja. Sorry I voke you."

"No it's okay. Why'd you scream?"

"Snow." I pointed to the TV. Birdie's eyes widened. He jumped up and did an adorable and yet attractive dance that would make any guy wanna get jiggy with it.

"Vhy are you so happy? It's snowing in October!" I looked at him, dumb-founded.

"Gilbert, this is Canada. It snows all the time." He stopped his little dance and sat back down, wrapping the blanket around him.

"So vhy are you excited about snow, if it snows all zhe time?"

"I like snow." He smiled. I shook my head and sighed.

He's too cute for me to handle. I might have to confess my love soon or I might die from his cuteness.

"You know, Birdie... you're cute. You're really cute."

('◑д◐`) ('◑д◐`) ('◑д◐`)

So have i made you squeel "OTP" or fangirl yet? Lemme know in the comments. Hope u enjoyed this chapter of....fluff i guess idk. Bye!

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now