Chapter 10

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Canada's POV (soorry its his POV again XD)

Lovi and I walked down the street to the café where everyone was at. I decided I wanted to surprise Gil... And everyone else in the process. I wanted to make it up to Gilbert. He deserved it considering I had been "mean" to him.

We made it to the place and entered. We spotted the crew in the back of the café. Gil had his back to us. Good. Papa France saw us, and so did Spain... and so did Italy... aaaand Germany. I was beginning to freak out because I thought they were going to ruin my surprise for Gil. But luckily Lovi started thrashing his arms around, signaling them to not say or do anything. I could see Spain silently giggle.

We got to their table and Lovi just randomly sat down. Gil looked up at him, but didn't act like he was interested in why he decided to show up.

Gil looked sort of depressed. America kept patting him on the back, telling him it'd be alright. And England kept punching America, and telling him to leave Gil alone. I didn't pay much attention them. I felt bad for Gil, I was happy I was doing this.

I silently snuck up behind the Prussian and poked him really hard in the back. He jumped up and let out an adorable squeek. Turning around, he saw it was me, and his face lit up.

Tripping over his chair, Gil struggled to stand up straight. He lunged at me, engulfing me in a hug.


I looked around at the others, and what I saw killed me.

France looked as if he was about to shank Gil, Italy was squeeling, Germany was smirking a proud smirk (for he was proud of his brother), I could hear various awws from England and America, Spain was clutching his heart and looked like he was gonna die, and Romano was making a heart with his hands mouthing "OTP" over and over.

I was blushing so hard and everyone squeeling did not make it better.


Ok so i updated earlier than i was gonna cause ShadowKitten_FTW threatened my life so....yeah. i hope u enjoyed this fluff chapter. See ya!

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