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"WAKE UP!" SOMEONE shouted in [Name]'s ear, making her open one of her eyes.

The smell of fresh dirt made her nose scrunch in discomfort. She lifted her head with a groan, her eyes fluttering open and close.

Currently, she was face planted on the ground that seemed to block both her vision and smell. Her hair was dangling from her sides and made contact with the ground.

What.. the fuck..

"Ah, finally!" A voice said in front of her, making her tense.

[Name] tugged at her hands, but she realized that something was holding her hands together which stopped her from doing so. She looked behind her and saw both her wrists tied in a rope, sealing any movement on them being apart.

She fully sat up, looking back in front of her.

".. Is this ..a fucking joke?" Her voice muttered out in a daze.

The uniformed, masked man in front of her jolted at her sudden profanity.

"H—hey! Watch your language! Do you know who you're in the presence of?!"

[Name] was about to throw another remark until her surroundings around her became more clearer. She moved her vision upwards, looking up at the people who were standing in front offering her.

Intimidating, multiple swordsman and women stood before her with each unique weapon at their side. All of their uniforms different than the ones she had seen so far— adding to their intense aura they all pursued.

The girl silently stared in awe at them, her lips trembling as if to say something utterly stupid.

.. They are definitely demon slayers. But why do they feel much more.. powerful than the others?


She heard her name being called, causing her to jerk her head to the other side where she saw Tanjiro. In the same position as she was; hands tied together behind him.

Her eyes widened.


Suddenly, she felt a smack at the side of her head. [Name] flinched at the contact, turning her head angrily back at the masked man who had just hit her.

"Don't you have any self respect? Apologize to the Hashiras for your unpleasant words!"

[Name] glared at the mask man, her hands curling into a fist as she brought it up to the man's face. Her eyes went animatedly white as she expressed her anger.

"Hey! Don't you have any respect? You can't just hit a lady!"

Before she could pester the masked man even more, a loud chuckle interrupted her.

"Now this is what I call a flamboyant trial!"

[Name] averted her eyes to the owner of the voice, quickly taking in his muscular build. He had pure, white hair that was tied into a small ponytail. What sparked most about his features was a vast amount of jewelry he wore, complimenting his facial structure.

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