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                               THE NORMAL
                    CHAPTER 1, "THE PLEAD."

                           "Stupid Demon Killers."


[NAME] PRICKED the last remaining blisters from her hand as she walked down the empty trail. She cursed as one of the blisters left a small bloody cut on her palm.

It was normal for her to get blisters from every part of her body, considering she is a farmer who is out on the field every day. It was her duty to harvest plants and pick vegetables to store in the markets. She gets paid a decent amount of money so her family would not get hungry.

Of course, even if she was an hard worker, her family still did not accept the idea of working.

Her father always is working abroad, where he works  as a blacksmith. He always comes home with dirt all over his face and rusty boots. Even if he gets new pairs, he would always manage to keep them dirty.

[Name] shook her head as she continued her path. It was a warm, sunny day and she knew that none of these demons would appear. Not that she cared anyways, since she knew she was right.

"Tsk, do those demon killers even get paid?" She whispered under her breath.

Her eyes closed momentarily as the air breezes through her face. It was nice to get out of the house to enjoy the nice weather.

But as if there was no peace in the world, her walking was soon interrupted by a hand latching into her ankle.

[Name]'s eyes widened in shock as she almost tripped over her footing.

Was this a demon?

Her heart stopped at the idea. She even thought about the times she denied they were even real.

Quickly, she turned around and looked down at the person who grabbed her ankle. Well, more so hugged her ankle.

It was a boy her age that was squeezing her poor leg to death. His face was covered by him seemingly squishing his face towards her leg as his bright yellow hair bounced in her vision.

[Name] was confused.

Who was he?

Was he a so called demon?

Just as if her thoughts could even wander beyond, the boy spoke.

"P-please marry me!" He cried out, his arms gripping her leg even tighter than before. It sounded like he was a desperate guy who wanted to get a girl to marry him.

Which he was.

"Ha?" [Name] questioned in pure confusion, trying to get the boy to let go of her leg. His death grip made her wince as she relaxed her leg to reduce the pain.

"I need someone to marry before I die! You're the only one who can help me, please do!" He continued on, not caring if the girl was trying to get out of his grasp.

[Name] grew frustrated at the persistent boy, about to tell him off until she suddenly saw what he was wearing.

A kimono that was worn over an patterned haori. It also looked like a sword was attached to his side.

He was a demon killer. A fucking demon killer who wanted to marry her.

Suddenly, a rush of anger ran inside of [Name] as she glared down at the boy.

"You work for that anti-demon organization?!" She questioned, hands on her hips. Her eyebrows furrowed as a dark color invades her e/c eyes.

The boy looked up at her to see her annoyed face, and [Name] could see his big brown to gold eyes peering up at her like she was speaking a different language.

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